...Jason Kimel English 122 Essay #3 Animal testing is a very controversial topic to discuss. The research of animals is defined as the use of chemicals to test on different parts of the animal’s body. Products such as mascara are applied to an animal’s eye, or lipstick is applied to an animal’s lips to see any reaction it may impose on a human. The results based on the animal experimentation will let the scientists know if the chemical or product is safe to use for all ages of people. “Scientists are closer than ever to finding the cures for AIDS, cancer and other deadly illnesses. But more research and testing are needed and much of it must be done on animals.” (Epstein and Brook 604) There are many aspects to animal testing that are for the better, but there also is a bad side to this topic. Animal testing has become a big issue of debate. Some people agree with it, and some disagree. No matter what anyone thinks about the issue, the fact remains that most animal testing is done for a reason and has its benefits and drawbacks. Animal testing was first discovered by Charles Darwin to better study human beings. Since then, animals have been subjected to every test science has to offer. One of the most pointless and cruel tests done on animals, in my opinion, is testing cosmetics. Everything from perfume to soap is tested on the animal to see if it will be harmful in any way to humans. This test is done by pouring some kind of chemical or substance onto the animal's skin...
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... they want to inspire people to donate and help animals from cruelty. This means that every minute of each day an animal is abused. Today, the ASPCA still helps prevent animal cruelty by protecting animals and giving them kind treatment. They protect animals by law and arrest animal abusers. They are a very popular charity and they are always ready to prevent cruelty. The ASPCA does their job effectively by protecting animals by law and fighting animal cruelty. The American Society for the Prevention of cruelty to Animals was the first humane society to be established in North America when they were founded in 1866. They are a privately funded 501 (C) (3) non-profit charity (“ASPCA”). The charity believes that animals deserve respectful treatment from humans and should be protected by laws. Their anti-cruelty mission has grown across the country and has...
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...ACT IVITY 1 a) Animal abuse does not only hurt the animals; it affects the entire community as well. Animal abuse usually goes hand in hand with domestic violence; In an abusive home the pet will often be used by the abuser as ways to manipulate and take advantage of the victim’s concern by threatening to harm the animal to stop the victim from reporting the incidence. By hurting the animals, an abuser is sending the message that a human victim could be next. Many people who are involved in violence (serial killings) have a history from their childhood of participating in animal abuse; the animal abuser usually grows up to be violent and turn to killing not just animals but people too, thus increasing the crime levels and making the community...
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...Haylee Bowers Research Paper 11/20/13 In today’s society, cruelty towards animals is growing rapidly because people don’t understand the value of an animal’s life. People all around the world use and abuse animals as if it was some kind of national sport, and everybody is competing for the first place gold medal. Ever year millions of animals are being beaten and starved because of heartless people. Animal cruelty is a social issue that many people don’t understand. All the people who abuse animals don’t understand when they are harming an innocent animal are going to continue to do it until they are shown what they are doing wrong. Each type of abuse has certain patterns that scientists can study and find out why people commit the crimes they do. Animal cruelty is broken down into two categories, which are active and passive. Active cruelty is also known as NAI (non-accidental injury). NAI is when a person has malicious intent so fierce that they deliberately and intentionally cause harm to an animal. On the other hand with passive cruelty a person doesn’t intentionally cause harm to the animal, they simple neglect it by giving it no attention. While I was doing the research for this essay, I thought non-stop about how a human being could break a dogs leg, back, or even neck and feel no sympathy for the dog? Are some people in this world that heartless that they have no feelings for other living things? I wonder if you asked a person that has abused an animal if they...
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...a nationwide problem that grows rapidly. You can see that millions of animal was beaten, starved and being helpless every day and died each year from a ruthless master through the news coverage. This shows that animal abuse proves to be an important topic and a widely known for every people. There are many reasons and motives behind animal cruelty that have been exposed. These include apathy towards suffering of the animals, giving pain and suffering to animals from some specific benefit or hurting animals for the pleasure, etc. Animal abuse can be classified into two categories which are active abuse and passive abuse. Firstly are active abuses that are direct cruelty to animals. It is individual that tries to harm animal, like torturing or beating. Next is passive abuse that includes lack of care or negligence towards pets. Generally, this is the situation when pet owners did not aware and bother to take proper care of the pet’s needs. In the other way, we must not forget intensity of incidence or incidence of smaller can also be regarded as the example of animal cruelty. Animals are not happy in the places that they are treated cruelty and poorly and have no rights as they should. In this century, a lot of people do not understand what happens to animals that are used for experiments in company or industry. The main problem of animal test is the animal usually suffered great experience. Many animal suffering burns, alopecia, rash and deep wound. Many animals are uses to test...
Words: 1991 - Pages: 8
...Night by Elie Wiesel emphasizes cruelty during the Holocaust. Wiesel, his father, and many other Jewish people suffered greatly. They were tortured, starved, shaved bald, confiscated of their riches, and killed. These experiences, however, revealed a great deal about Elie Wiesel. His actions proved that he was selfless, due to his acts of kindness towards his father. It also proved that he was empathetic towards others who suffered. While these actions showed much about his nature, it was also apparent that the Holocaust would make a lasting impression on him. The cruelty that Wiesel experienced throughout Night revealed that he was selfless, empathetic, and forever impacted by his experiences. In the novel, Night, Elie Wiesel had many encounters with cruelty. When he arrived at the first concentration camp, Wiesel noticed a truck full of babies. Wiesel stated small children were...
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...In October 2013, Christianna Willis, a receptionist at PetMed Veterinary Hospital in Antioch, Tennessee published a Craigslist ad titled “Your pit bull found me and I won't give her back". The 23-year-old was notified, by a friend, of an injured pit bull that has found its way to that friend’s porch. Willis claims that with the obvious bite marks and purple bruises, the dog must have been used as bait in a dogfighting pit. This is one of many cases that happen continuously in countries such as the United States (US). Unfortunately, animal cruelty is not taken seriously in many countries, however, in Europe and North America it is considered a federal crime. Animals are peaceful creatures and should live on this earth as freely as humans...
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...abuse their animals. I don’t want to know that so many animals are being abused and dying every day. I want to find a way to stop this from happening! While I have been researching about animal abuse, I had certain things that I wanted to find. How are animals being abused? Why do animals have to suffer, because of humans? How many animals are being abused each year? My question to help drive my research was: How can we as Damascus solve animal abuse? So, from all my research, I think that...
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...mentioning the 2 different types of cruelty that is happening right now, it is time to talk about 2 organizations that are currently helping the animals in danger. The 2 organizations that I will write about are the Humane Society and PETA. First, I will write about the Humane Society and how they are helping animals from cruelty. The Humane Society of the U.S. is the nation’s largest and most effective animal protection organization with 11 million members and constituents (HSUS). This organization was founded in 1954 by Fred Myers, Helen Jones, Larry Andrews, and Marcia Glaser. The original name of the HSUS was the National Humane Society. The Humane Society and their affiliates provide direct care to more than 100,000...
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...“The greatest of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are being treated.” –Mahatma Gandhi. Animal cruelty needs to be prohibited from testing in laboratories because its bad science, there are other humane ways of testing out drugs and substances, and lastly, if companies were to better advertise animal cruelty, consumers would be more informed about how procedures are taken into consideration when it comes to testing on animals. Buyers need to become more mindful of who they are supporting when it comes to animals being poisoned and killed through barbaric testing. By doing so, consumers would benefit in devoting their money into companies that care to test their products in humane ways and simply, joining the cause and fight to help stop animal cruelty. To begin with, the amount of procedures and science put into animal testing are essentially unreliable and are not one-hundred percent effectible. People who test on animals want us consumers to be certain that if they gave up their outdated habits, sick children and other disease and accident sufferers would drop dead in multitudes. The food and drug administration (FDA) says there are about ninety-two passable drugs out of one-hundred that will work on animals but will fail on humans because they are either hazardous or solely would not be of any affect. As well with the very few amount of drugs that were permitted for human use, at least half were relabeled because of the side effects...
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...Attachments, pictures and links in this message have been blocked for your safety. Show content | Always show content from jj_75_memorial@hotmail.com Jose Jimenez Melissa Sue Whitney WRC 1013.087 9 December 2010 Cruelty towards Animals and Their Rights If killing animals was entertaining to the people by abusing them and possibly causing them to fight, would you join the cruel humans that are doing this just to have fun watching animals fight and be abused? Animal cruelty comes in different ways from animal abuse, fighting the animals, and even mistreating them. Cruelty to animals is growing all over the United States even out of the US, especially dog fighting and cock fighting has grown dramatically. Animals used for other purposes are being abused more. The poor animals feel pain and suffer every time they are killed or mistreated. Even though my own father commits animal cruelty, still does not change the way I feel towards animal cruelty. My father thinks it is not bad to fight roosters, but I always tell him that fighting them is very cruel to the rooster. Two main animals used for fighting are roosters and dogs. They are trained and forced to fight each other to death, which cock fighters find interesting and gamble their money. Animal Rights and Human Obligations Second Edition, Ed. by Tom Regan and Peter singer, specifies the rights of animals, treatment of animals, killing and value of life...
Words: 2878 - Pages: 12
...They are also protecting the evidence that is found on animal cruelty. These Ag-gag laws are in place for more than eight states in America. (1) These laws “prevent whistleblowers from exposing animal cruelty on farms.” (1) This means that these laws prevent the people who are purchasing and eating the meat, from seeing where it came from and how it was prepared. If people are buying and eating something, they should have access to full information on the product. 64% of the public does not agree with laws being put in place that prevent animal cruelty investigations. (2) This means that the majority of America is not in agreement with the Ag-gag laws, so they should not be...
Words: 504 - Pages: 3
...At the death camp, Auschwitz, a jewish man survived Nazi doctor Josef Mengele removing his kidney without any anesthesia and then survived the gas chambers because he was the 201st person in line for a 200 person gas chamber. “Statistics indicate that the total number of jews killed in the holocaust was over 5,830,000.” (Bülow) Acts of cruelty were performed daily on jews by Nazis. Neighboring countries could of stepped in and saved millions of jews lives, but instead stepped back and watched them die. The holocaust was terrible, because jews were slaughtered, because homosexuals were persecuted, because it killed millions of people. If human cruelty is not opposed, it will flourish like a flower of death. The Nazis were able to successfully...
Words: 441 - Pages: 2
...Animal Cruelty ‘Humanity needs to respect all living things that we share this planet with, animals, the environment (WWF, 2012).’ However, animal cruelty has been reported in different parts of the world and has continued at a very fast rate. It is a growing problem that needs to stop. I have always loved animals, especially dogs. For this reason, I defend my belief that animals should be treated with dignity. One must ask, what goes on in people’s mind that leads to this type of heinous actions on animals? Where does the root of the problem begin? This paper will analyze the causes, signs and prevention of animal cruelty. There are two forms of animal cruelty. One is active cruelty that is deliberately inflicted to cause harm (CFAWR, 2010). The other one is passive cruelty which the harm inflicted through willful disregard, in turn generating into long-term suffering. Regardless of the kind of cruelty, the effects are pronounced in the animals. Those abusing animals are highly likely to perpetrate violent crimes against humans. Negative behaviors like animal cruelty emerge from traumatic past. Animal cruelty in this regard is presented as diagnostic criteria for determining conduct disorder. This disorder is found in people who abuse both animals and humans. Clinical evidence considers animal cruelty as one of the signs that are shown in the initial phases of conduct disorder, normally at age 8 (CFAWR, 2010). Most of the studies that have been carried out in the recent...
Words: 873 - Pages: 4
...Animals are put through electric shocking and skin burning to test. Also scientists use restraining controls to immobilize them. One example of cruelty on animals is “skin and eye irritation tests where chemicals are rubbed onto the shaved skin or dripped into the eyes of restrained rabbits without any pain relief” (The Humane Society). Another way animal testing is cruel is that they take large doses of a chemical to test whether it is lethal or not (The Humane Society). At the end of the experiment, animals are killed by neck-breaking, decapitation, or asphyxiation, which is a deprivation of oxygen (The Humane Society). Testing animals like this is inhumane and...
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