...Argumentative Essay: Solution for Bullying Bullying is a big problem for children and young people that go through it. It knocks their self-esteem and makes them lose their confidence, and can make them dread going to school each day. In extreme cases, young people can become suicidal as a result of bullying, while in other very serious cases, it can get out of hand and lead to the bully murdering their victim. It’s also a huge problem for parents and teachers, because stopping bullying is a hard task and they often don’t know the best ways to go about it. There are three key elements to stopping bullying: educating the bullies, imposing greater sanctions for the bullies, and protecting the victim. The reason that bullies must be educated is that many of them are not aware of exactly how much they are hurting their victim. In serious cases, it is probably wholly deliberate, but even then, most bullies wouldn’t want their victim to become as suicidal as they have made them. Bullying can come in all sorts of forms and one that affects girls in particular is a group of so-called friends excluding them from everything. In cases like these, if the bullies understood that they had become bullies picking on a victim, they may think twice. The second way to deal with the bullies is to punish them. This could be the only thing that works for incredibly nasty people, because they will only care when it begins to affect them. Bullying often isn’t taken seriously enough; for example, if...
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...a book that teaches you about safety.If you’re wondering what STAR means it means Students taking action and responsibility.There are many lessons about safety in the book for example,Gun Safety,goal setting and Drug Abuse awareness.But in my opinion my favorite subjects in the Star program is probably Bike Safey and Let’s Stop Bullying. Lesson 2 is about Stopping bullying.Just imagine seeing someone getting bulled that is no fun right?You want to help the person getting bulled but you do not know how.Well lesson 2 is about knowing how to stand up for a person getting bulled and stopping bullying .Deputy Wallace our teacher for the STAR program says that “ you should tell a adult are teacher if you see someone getting bulled.’’I agree with that because an adult or teacher can talk to the bully and tell them to stop and the bully is more likely to listen to them because the bully is afraid of them. There are 3 types of bulling verbal bullying,physical bullying and psychological bullying.All of these types of bullying is not nice or funny so you have to feel confident and stop the bully! My second favorite lesson in the STAR book is lesson 9 Bike Safety.Bike safety is very important because it keeps you safe when riding your bike outside.Over 300,000 kids go to the emergency room because they were not wearing a helmet!There are many...
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...students can prevent bullying Situation: Schools turning to the law to handle bullying Bobby Newport Comp I August 22, 2012 Bullying in Schools Must Be Stopped by Students Bullying has become a major issue in schools across the nation with the numerous suicides caused by physical and verbal abuse that has led to the criminalization of bullying. Schools in all states, except Montana, have been given guidelines or Anti-Bullying laws to implement in their school systems. These laws define bullying and intend to reduce it, but where is the line going to be drawn? A snide comment to a passerby may be considered bullying but is definitely not criminal. These laws do not confront issues small as this yet, but in years past, most of us would never consider bullying as a criminal act punishable by law. Children in today’s schools are now going to have to think “more” about what they say because someone could call the police if they are sensitive. Bullying will always be an issue in schools even if parents get bigger bullies (the police) to bully the younger ones. If such laws continue to evolve children could be put into handcuffs. True bullies will evolve with the laws and may be able to use these laws for the benefit of their bullying ways. Bullying has evolved to make use of the internet through cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is using the internet through social networking websites to attack an individual. Facebook and MySpace have been major catalysts for bullying because of the...
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...a little nobody, then to be a evil somebody.” Since bullying is a serious and negatively impactful issue, both in person and on the internet, it can trigger the victim’s emotions. Although, the president and many schools are trying to stop bullying it can continuously cause victims to be depressed or even get to the point where sadly they lose their lives. Both texts, “President: Just Say No to Bullying” and “Schools Take Steps to Stop Bullies” support the common fact of the role of society is to stop bullying. First of all, “President: Just Say No to Bullying” informs all people to quit offending people physically and emotionally. “President: Just Say No to Bullying” is a report about a conference with the former president, Barack Obama. In this report he addressed the issues with bullying and in the text, Obama later explained that when he was a child, he too suffered from bullying. He explained that he was bullied for his “humongous” ears. He notes, "Bullying can have destructive consequences for our young people—and it's not...
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...Bullying is a Crime If the saying, “if sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me” was ever true, it sure isn't true today. Bullying in and out of schools is getting out of control. People are starting to worry if the suicide rate is increasing due to bullying. Children are not the only ones being bullied today; adults are also victims in the bullying epidemic. Statistics have shown that one third of teens are bullied at school and 4 percent also report that they were also victims of cyber bullying (Tangen and Campbell). Parents and teachers should take a stand against bullying to become a part in preventing it. Parents and teachers need to be a part of the solution, not the problem. Victims of bullying are caused much damage and some are scarred for life. Bullying should not be tolerated because it can cause emotional, physical, or social damage to a victim, which can lead to dangerous consequences. What we don’t realize is that there are limited laws and/or policies in place that stop bullying from happening. Legislation needs to be updated or changed to accommodate to new bullying tactics such as cyber bullying and the consequences need to be more severe to stop bullying from happening ever again. Bullying is widespread and perhaps the most underreported safety problem on American school campuses. Contrary to popular belief, bullying occurs more often during school hours than on the way to and from school. But what is bullying? To me bullying...
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...Introduction Emily-Anne Rigal is a teen activist to stop bullying and has a website called We Stop Hate, you can go there if you are getting bullied and need some help and inspiration. She was 16 when she started this with some of her peers. She started to get the word out and people started to help her and popular people started to help and encourage her. She says, “Going to bed with a dream, Waking up with a purpose.” This is telling people that are getting bullied that they have a purpose and that so many people care about yourself even if you’re getting bullied. Emily-Anne Rigal Emily-Anne is a very strong girl and here is her story. She was bullied verbally in elementary school and she had to switch schools and she made a new group...
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...Bullying By Alberto Angulo Think to yourself, have you ever had a mean prank done to you and a group of people started laughing? Well, there is only one reason for that; you have been targeted by a bully. Bullies are known for their sick antics and personalities against people they find weak. These people can hurt you verbally, physically and emotionally they won’t stop. Bullying is sick and wrong, and it needs to be stopped. However according to Amanda Lenhart bullying is most common among the young. About one-third of teenagers pulled in 2006 reported being a victim of this form of intimidation. About one third (32%) of all teenagers who use the internet say they have also been targets of a range of annoying and potentially menacing online activities. For example, receiving threatening messages or having embarrassing pictures posted without permission are forms of harassment. One in six teens (15%) told us someone had forwarded or posted communications they assumed were private (Lenhart). About (13%) of teens stated that someone had spread a rumor about them online (Lenhart). Cyber bullying although less physical than traditional forms of bulling can have more devastating and longer lasting effects. Educators definitely need to understand how powerful and dangerous this new type of bullying has become as it has greatly impacted the classroom. In the year 2000 a University of New Hampshire studies found that out of every 17 students or 6 percent of kids in...
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...Assignment 2: Social Control and Criminal Deviance: Bullying Bridget King Marilyn (Mari) Sango-Jordan SOC 100 November 15, 2015 Bully has come a long way from the days of the sand box and the school yards, Bully use to be no more than simple teasing due to the fact that deep down they truly wanted to be friends with you, or they just had low self-esteem. The true meaning of bully is the use of both force, threat, and even some form of intimidation to dominate the other person. This behavior is very often repeated until the aggressor gets their desire result. In this paper we will discuss into more detail the behavior of bullying. The most critical step in researching bullying is to think about the question that you are answering. Why has bullying being compared to genocide and how has it progressed into such an extreme and senseless form of violence. By asking the questions: Where did this behavior come from? Were these bullies’ victims of bullying in the past? Are their parents to blame for not stopping their behavior earlier in their lives? Or did their parents simply ignore the signs. By asking the right questions we can dig deeper into the reasoning behind the bullying to truly get to the root of the matter. Looking at the situation from a sexual deviance, many bullies are a result of fatherless homes as a result to acting out due to not having that strong positive male influence in their lives. In result many young men become mean and heartless, they are...
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...Do social networking sites pose a risk for teens? Social networking sites do pose a risk to teenagers. Parents should have some sort of control of there child’s Internet access. Risk on social sites are, but are not Limited to cyber bullying, sexual predators, and adolences mistakes. One important risk on social networking sites is cyber bullying .A study says fifteen percent of teens say they have been targets in the type of bullying. In another study one-fifth of teens admit to being bullies. It may not be much to some people, but that one fifth has caused the loss of lives. So limiting the access and knowing what is being posted online can even be considered a safety precaution. Another importance in why there should be limits on social networking is the predators. Sexual predators are out there and with technology it is a lot easier for these predators to get to a child. With limits such as stopping social networking use by nine p.m., using word lock, that won’t let profane language be typed at all, and approving friend request can help prevent risk. My final importance is a teenager there is growing up to do (you make mistakes). Some mistakes are but aren’t limited to being a bully yourself, any type of sexing and posting inappropriate thing such as fights. Not all teens do this but it happens. These are horrible things done by teenagers. There heard about on the news, by friends, and on the sites. All the adolescent mistakes pose risk, but with a...
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...Why is Bullying Dangerous? What Can We Do to Stop It? Bullying has been around since the beginning of time and still is a very sensitive topic to discuss. Bullying has effective thousands of people mentally, emotionally and physical. The only way to stop this madness from further destroying our generation's ability to interact with each other and maintain a healthy social life is by incorporating a type of code of conduct into school and possibly make it a law, actually stopping bullying when you see it first hand, and being less abrasive when meeting new people. Doing these 3 things can possibly prevent bullying from happening in the future. Everyone who lives in the United States of America follows all the rules set up the government. We all know that we face consequences when we violate those rules. Now in the Constitution it states that we all have freedom of speech and press but those rights may be terminated when there is public...
Words: 575 - Pages: 3
...Bullying: An Argumentative Essay Bullying has engrained in American society since the country’s founding. Bred from a capitalistic economy and competitive social hierarchy, bullying has remained a relevant issue through the years. It is the most common type of violence in contemporary US society. Bullying occurs in schools, workplaces, in homes, on playgrounds, in the military, and in nursing homes, for example. Today bullying and cyber-bullying have become an increasing problem in the schools. Cyberbullying is a form of aggressive behavior that occurs through electronic devices such as mobile/cell phones (calls and SMS/text messages), e-mail and the internet (blogs, chatrooms, newsgroups, social networks and web-pages). Like other forms of bullying, cyberbullying is usually defined in terms of intentional and repeated interactions on the part of the perpetrator who is perceived to be more powerful than the victim: the perpetrator’s ability to act anonymously is indicative of a form of power he or she holds over the victim As in the case of traditional bullying, cyberbullying often occurs as a result of such relationship difficulties as the break-up of a friendship or romance, envy of a peer’s success, intolerance of particular groups on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability, and ganging up on one individual (Duncan, Neil, Rivers, Ian, 2012). Bullying has taken on new heights and sometimes victims of bullies suffer severe and lasting consequences...
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...Bullying has gone on for so long, and it is not just children bullying other children to the point they want to take measures into their own hands. Teachers and staff at school whom children should be able to go through for help is also bullying, sadly these people know they can get away with it so they aren’t stopping the violence before it’s too late, therefore kids are taking actions into their own hand and causing violence by shooting innocent students and staff just to try and get their points across. Bullying statistics: (www.pascack.k12.nj.us/bullyingstatistics.htm) 46% of males and 26% of females reported they had been in physical fights. When children are bullied at school they generally use violence as the retaliation because they know that is going to be one thing that they are in control over rather than just trying to get the bullies to stop what they are doing when the child goes to the adult they are usually told “we will keep an eye on the situation”. Bullying isn’t just stopping with kids it is also happening with adults, and what I mean by this is when children go to the adults because they are being bullied they are expecting the adult to take charge and take action about the situation that is at hand, however in many more cases the teacher, parents, or staff member is getting together with the other bullying child’s parents and wanting to take action, however when the kids find out what happened then the bullying does go farther and the child is made fun...
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...Proposing a Solution Stopping Bullying in Schools Bullying in schools is a phenomenon that has received increased attention in the media. Boys and girls both experience bullying. Bullying in boys is more physical and verbal; bullying in girls is more psychological and relational (cdc.gov). According to the National Center for Education Statistics, “bullying activities were as common as daily or weekly happenings in 25 percent of public schools during 2007-08” (nces.ed.gov). Bullying often starts as verbal teasing, and then leads to physical threats and even violence. Bullying creates problems of low self-esteem, decreased focus on school work, and emotional distress in victims. Bullies continually target those that are weaker than them either physically or emotionally. It is important to make schools safer for students by preventing bullying. Many people think of bullying as an act of one child or group of children physically assaulting or teasing another child (eHow.com). The most common type of bullying is name calling or making belittling remarks about another child, whether it be their physical or socioeconomic characteristics. Other types of bullying include spreading rumors, intimidation, and group isolation. Children and teenagers in schools around the world face discrimination, mental and physical violence and other types of bullying every day. From nonviolent to physical abuse, the safety of a student in the school environment can be compromised...
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...Online Bullying In the 21st century, with the popularity of computer, Internet has become an integral part of people’s daily lives. A variety of online communities, such as Bulletin Board System and face book, have also risen. Those online communities are designed to provide a platform for users to exchange messages with each other. We benefit a lot from the convenience that brought by them. Through all kinds of online communities, we can help each other with our own experience, share our knowledge, and get to know new friends who have the same interests with us without the restriction of geography. Those online communities have made the world a smaller place for us. However, along with the benefits, online communities have also brought many problems to our lives. One of the most noteworthy problems is online bullying. Because of internet’s particular feature — information online can be spread so fast that a hurtful note can be seen by many people in a very short time —it was often used as a tool for bullying. As the phenomenon of online bullying has become worse and worse over time, more and more attention has been attracted from the whole society these days. To eliminate this problem, or at least to decrease the frequency of its occurrence and alleviate the seriousness of its consequences, I think we should begin to work on these three aspects: the protection for victims, the education to teens, and the instruction for parents about how to lead their children to overcome...
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...May 2017 Bullying How many suicides will occur today? The answer is 13. All 13 of these deaths are a result of bullying, and in a year 4,400 people will have done the same thing. The outcomes of bullying are endless, just as well the impacts it has on the people that encounter it. And the only way to stop bullying is to understand it. To understand the different ways of bullying. To understand how each way may impact a person. And most importantly, to understand how to stop it for good. Bullying, should be illegal in all aspects, and should be prosecuted. Bullying started many years ago as a way to assert dominance in a community. Also, it can sometimes be used to preserve civil power, and to make sure that...
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