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Storm Over Texas Summary

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Storm over Texas- Book review
In Storm over Texas, by Joel H. Silbey, he touches many topics throughout the book. One of the subjects, which seems to be the main idea, being annexation. In the prologue, he describes in detail of the meeting of senates that discussed many issues including annexation of Texas. Some, mostly consisting southerners, believe it was a good move for the country, but others, mostly involving northerners, did not. Texas had just won their independents against the Mexican government, who had just won their independence from Spain, and was ready for a new government. Some Americans say annexing Texas is a good asset for the economy due to the good farming land, but most where hesitant; not wanting to cause tension and/or …show more content…
On being the topic of slavery, which was also argued throughout the nation a lot, even after Texas was annexed into America. Most in the south believed it was necessary, while those in the north where against slaver in the south. Massachusetts’ Charles Sumner was on of the leaders in anti-slavery and opposed of annexation. Problems and tensions with the issue was very talked about in the news, “Northern editors reported that Missouri “border ruffians” rode over into the area and added to the bloody confrontation. The free-state town of Lawrence was attacked (“sacked,” in Republican rhetoric); southern settlers were shot dead in their turn (“massacred” in slave state parlance, by wild-eyed abolitionists).” (186) This quote from the book shows the tension between the abolitionist and those with slavery. The author mentions the idea of slavery very often throughout the book, although it is not as frequently mentioned as political parties, clearly shows the reader that it is, to the author, a major factor in the book. Nearing the end of the book, the author talks about republicans and slavery. He adds a in a small part of Abraham Lincoln speech “House divided”. In the speech, Lincoln talks in a metaphor of “framed timbers.” (188) The author most likely added this small bit in regards the subject of the aggressive plans of the south. The author of the book uses quotes and sources as a way to explain the situation and ideas throughout the book. He uses frequent topics as a way to key in to ideas involving slavery, events, and most importantly,

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