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Street Checking Case Study

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Street checking,also known as “carding” is when police officers question and interview potential suspects in an unlawful manner. In the 2 scenarios described by Morton, I see no reason why these apparent “suspects” were approached and asked to provide ID, they were simply profiled and treated as criminals because of their age and skin colour. The legal issues raised by Morton is that these street checks violate the basic rights of Canadian citizens outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the charter states that “everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search and seizure”. Aswell , upon arrest, you must be given a reason why you are being arrested, the 2 victims in scenario ‘A” & “B” we’re given no reason why they were being …show more content…
With this new act in place, there is more legitimacy between an officer and the person being searched, since January 1st, 2017, a person being searched can now receive a document if he or she wants it, and the officer can only conduct his search if he believes that this search will not take time away from another matter that is more urgent. The document given to one being interviewed includes” 1.the officer’s name identification number, and the data, time and location of the attempted collection 2. information about how to contact the Police Review Director should the individual wish to inquire about making or make a public complaint 3. An explanation that an individual can request access to information about himself or herself that is in the custody or control of the DRPS, under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The new regulations creates more validity by providing a legal document and proof of the search, aswell it and provides a legal backing and reference to the specific rights in which the subject is entitled

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