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Early Intervention Research Paper

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Given enough time, addiction will always lead to total devastation for the individual who loses control. Prison, insanity or death are what awaits the person who fails to get help. As a loved one with a vested interest in yout family member's life, you do have the ability to make a difference. An early intervention could be all it takes to save a life and stop an addiction from truly taking hold.

When is Early Intervention Possible
It's never too early for an intervention if you believe your loved one is using/abusing drugs and/or alcohol. In fact, the sooner you show your concern for altered behavior, the better.

The key to an early intervention is recognizing the signs of addiction. While the signals may vary based on the substance in question, any radical change in a loved one's behavior should strike a cord and raise concern. Awareness is the key. It's also important to not be afraid of stepping forward and …show more content…
The Purpose of an Early Intervention
When fighting addictin (client, misspelling I had to use to submit order), people will pull away and eliminate access to themselves by family and friends. An early intervention is designed to serve as a wake-up call. By the act of you and other friends and family coming together in a united group, it will help expose the depth of concern among the people who should matter the most.

The key to a good early intervention is staying supportive without being accusatory. Everyone should be focused on sharing their concerns and offering support for whatever issues might be playing a part in the addictive behavior. Without being confrontational, the conversation should be handled in a constructive manner. Handwritten letters and well planned speeches are wonderful communication tools for expressing these types of concerns.

Directing the Individual Towards

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