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Strong Black Women Syndrome Analysis

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In this study, Dr. Potter displayed the “Strong Black Women Syndrome” which is a social stereotype that makes the community and black women believed they should be strong and capable of handling all the situation by themselves (2008). This “Strong Black Women Syndrome” caused the black women have experienced differ from the white women’s abuse. They also have a different action to deal with intimate partner violence. In addition, the black women have been reported that they had interactions stayed in abusive relationships shorter than the white women because most of the black women are more independent than the white women (Potter 2008). Moreover, the black women also have a higher chance to fight back due to the belief of strong women (Potter 2008). They are more aggressive …show more content…
In order to have a better support for the black women, the community resource has played a crucial role of the supportive system. First, the community should hold as a union to help resisters and their children from their intimate partner abuse (Potter 2008). For example, the community provides service for batters in order to have strength facing violence. Second, Dr. Potter also mentioned that the community should increase informal control over another issue among the black people such as child abuse, street violence, substance abuse and sexual transmission disease (Potter 2008). This goal for the community is to prevent the children from carrying the same issues as the circulation. Third, the community should be the educator through the Black Church and Domestic Violence Institution (Potter 2008). The community should have a spiritual training to educate the sexual assault and intimate partner among black

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