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What I Learned In A College Degree: Does It Really Work?

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What worked?
What worked for me, the most was being able to take online college courses. I always wanted to earn a college degree, yet never had the time because of family obligations. When I looked at Ashford University and what it had to offer, it allowed me to be able to, not only take LIB courses online, but also take care of my family at the same time. I had always wanted to do something in the educational field, and now, by taking LIB courses at Ashford, I am continuing towards a Master’s Degree in Education with a specialization in Instructional and Curriculum Design. Doing this never would have happened if it was not for online college.
What didn’t work?
The only thing that did not work was not having a break in between classes. Taking one course for five weeks, and then having to take the next five-week class right afterward was sometimes difficult to do because I felt “burned out.” Having a one-week break in between classes would give a student a chance to breathe and refresh their …show more content…
Not only did the courses refresh my memory from what I had learned back in high school (40 years ago), but I also learned new things. I cannot think of anything that I wish I would have learned that I did not learn.
What was the most important thing you learned? I have learned a great deal by taking LIB courses. I have learned many skills, which I thought I already had, yet, once I took the different classes, I learned how to have better communication skills (both verbally and written), critical thinking skills, reading skills, writing skills, technological skills, and research skills. I also have learned about cultural diversity, time management, organization, and problem-solving. All of what I have learned not only helps in my personal life, but will help me when I continue my studies toward a Master’s degree in Education, and run my own business in the future.
What advice would you give future LIB

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