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Elementary Teacher Research Paper

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Elementary School Teacher
The Story of My Search Recently, I had an amazing opportunity to job shadow one of the best elementary teachers in our district. As soon as I walked into the room, all of the kid’s faces lit up with excitement. Teaching elementary school is something I’ve always wanted to do since I was actually in elementary school myself. Although I’ve known this is what I wanted to be for a while, I wasn’t quite sure until recently. My tenth grade year, I became a part of the Teacher Academy I program and absolutely fell in love with that career choice. In that class, we not only did a good bit of book work to learn about the career field, we also went to our local elementary school and did hands on experience. We were able to …show more content…
In this career, you have to be willing to adapt to any type of learning strategy. Each student is different, which means that each teacher has to be able to teach to their needs. As the teacher, you have to conduct a lesson plan for your students that allow them to communicate and be observant. While teaching can be rewarding, it can also be stressful. Elementary school teachers not only have to teach children the basics of early learning, they also have to teach them basic life skills (MS Choices)( Students are tested on how well they know basic learning skills, and teachers are held accountable for those test results. Some jobs that are similar to an elementary school teacher are adult education teacher, middle school teacher, principal, and teacher assistant (MS Choices). After concluding my research on what a person in this career does and the working conditions, I next began to discover information about the employment outlook of this …show more content…
In Mississippi, there are currently 1,257 positions available ( In the entire country though, there are roughly 20,345 positions available ( I was actually able to find that Amory School District is in has a few positions that need to be filled themselves ( A wage of 12% is estimated over the next years (MS Choices). With a career like teaching, many people think it isn’t worth the struggle because as teachers, you don’t make near as much you should. Although the money isn’t great, the satisfaction you get from knowing you are helping to shape a young child is worth

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