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Free Falling Lifeboat

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Free-fall lifeboat has been gaining popularity in the ocean environment due to the significant reduction in time taken for launch, which allows unnecessary danger to be avoided during emergency evacuation. As such, it provides an alternative to conventional lifeboats during emergency evacuation. Many studies and researches have been done on free-fall lifeboat ranging from effects of launching parameters to improving water entry performance of free-fall lifeboat. Most concluded their research using either a model experiment or numerical solutions. However, most studies have not employed the use of Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software, which can serve as a cheaper alternative to perform analysis on launching of lifeboats. With current advancement in CFD …show more content…
7 Model of Norsafe GES30

3.2 Effects of Launching Parameters on Motion of Lifeboat
This section shows how height, falling angle and initial velocity affect the motion categories of lifeboat. Fig. 8 shows four categories of lifeboat motion with additional category call capsize. As shown in Fig.8, category IA is from a height of 15m at 50° falling angle with 5m/s initial speed. Category IB is from a height of 15m at 35° falling angle with 5m/s initial speed. Category IIA is from a height of 15m at 20° falling angle with 5m/s initial speed. Category IIB is from a height of 17m at 80° falling angle with 5m/s initial speed.
Lastly, capsize is from a height of 15m at 80° falling angle with 5m/s initial speed. Initial Angular velocity is fixed at 0.2 rads/s. Capsize can occur before the lifeboat reaches the water surface due to a steep falling angle with fixed angular velocity. Fig. 8 Four Category of Motion with Capsize
Results from all 90 simulations are accumulated and assigned to the categories of lifeboat motions. Fig. 9 to 11 show categories of motion of the free-fall lifeboat for initial velocity of 5m/s, 10m/s and 15m/s, falling height ranging from 15m-25m and falling angle

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