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Breaking Bad Research Paper

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If I’m going to be honest, I’m neutral on the subject of saying no to drugs. One of my friend’s mom's illegally uses marijuana edibles for depression; she says it helps her feel calmer and happier. “Before I was in a state of being suicidal, and if I hadn’t used edibles, I might not be here today” (she chooses to stay anonymous). “Breaking Bad”, a popular television show, is about a man who sells meth with one of his old high school students, Jesse. Jesse’s girlfriend dies after doing heroine, Jesse, a drug user himself goes to rehab and stops selling drugs with Walter. Walter’s wife Skyler divorces him and gains custody of their children after she finds out he produces methamphetamine. You see, in one hand, if Jesse’s girlfriend never died, he wouldn’t have gone to rehab. In the other hand you have a broken family. Marijuana, though still a drug, doesn’t have any damaging effects for somebody over 18. Since it’s legal in Washington, you don’t have to go to a shady corner to buy it where someone could do anything to you, …show more content…
Scopolamine is made from bulbs in a flower you can find in Columbia. If you crush up these bulbs, just breathing it in barely a pinch, it will drug you. This drug make you seem conscious and aware, but if someone suggests something to you, you’ll do it. For instance, if they drug you then they’ll suggest something like, “Hey you should take me to your apartment and give me all of your belongings.” and then you’ll follow their commands and do it. It is more often used as a rape drug. Unlike other drugs, where you’ll seem high or tipsy, you’re full conscious, but when you become “sober” again you won’t remember anything. The scariest part is, it is untraceable in an autopsy, and 1 gm can kill 15 people. If your “drugger” uses too much you’ll die of a heart attack instantly. Drugs like these are dangerous, and the main reason why I don’t say yes or no to

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