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Golf Best Sport

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Sports are something that a lot of people find entertainment in. Some people enjoy playing it while others like to watch. For many reasons, golf is one of the best. Golf can challenge you physically and also mentally. Also, this sport can be played by almost everyone. Golf teaches you valuable life lessons and may be a key part of your future job. It does not matter if you are old, young, weak, strong or anything, you are able to play golf. Golf should be considered to be one of the best sports.
Golf can really test you mentally in many ways. Before hitting your shot, millions of thoughts must go through your head. First and obviously, you need to figure out the distance to the flag. There are different ways that this can be done. You may need to guess the distance while sometimes you may have distance markers on the course to help. Next you will need to think about where the flag is and where you want to hit the ball. Sometimes you do not want to hit it right at the flag if you risk hitting it into water that is next to the flag. Once you figure all of that stuff out, you will need to factor in the wind and how much that will affect your ball and its distance. Then finally you can select your club to hit and hope that everything else is correct. If something …show more content…
You could chose to ride in a golf cart and knock the ball around a bit which still is fun, but if you want to get really good at the game, you will need to build up strength to be able to hit the ball far. Also in some cases, you will need to carry your bag. Golf bags can weigh on average of 30 pounds. It may not feel like much, but after 18 holes, it can get heavy. You will also be required to walk the whole 18 holes. The average person walks between 6-7 miles for each 18 holes. With walking that far and carrying your clubs, you will need to be in shape to be able to do everything and still have the energy to swing the

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