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Cyp 3.2 1.1

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Summarise the entitlement and provision for early year’s education
There are various types of childcare options available for early years, these includes:
Sure Start Children’s Centre: it involves parent from the birth of their child. They offer early years education for children, health and family support, parenting advice as well as training and employment advice.
Nursery schools: Provide early learning and childcare for children between three and five years old.
Preschools and playgroups: Usually run by voluntary groups. This group provides part-time play and early learning for children under five. Three and four year olds can get their 15 hours of weekly free early year’s education at these providers.
Day Nurseries: Often based …show more content…
• Income –based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
• Employment and support Allowance (ESA)
• Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act.
• State Pension Credit.
• Child Tax Credit( but not Working Tax Credit) and have an annual income not over £16,190
• The Working Tax Credit 4-week run on (the payment you get when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
Some Children are also entitled to a place if:
• they’re care of by a local council
• they have a current report of special education needs (SEN) or an education health care plan
• they get Disability Living Allowance
They’ve left care under a unique guardianship plan, child arrangements order or adoption order. You can begin to claim after your child clocks 3. The date you can claim will depend on when their birthday falls
Child’s birthday When you can claim
1 January - 31 March the start of term on or after 1 April
1 April - 31 August the start of term on or after 1 September
1 September - 31 December the start of term on or after 1 January
Example: Your child was born on 15 December 2011. They’ll be eligible for free early education and childcare from the start of term following 1 January

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