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Student Of The Month Reflection

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On behalf of the Department of Business and Administration, please join me in congratulating Kiana Knost for being selected as the March Student of the Month (SOTM). Kiana was chosen because of the strong skills she demonstrates in leading online teams which includes taking the initiative to structure group projects, proposing a plan of action, motivating the team, and verifying that everyone is on track. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration degree (BBA) with an emphasis in Management and plans to graduate in Spring 2017.

Although she is a full-time student, she spends her free time hiking and going on walks with her dog (Mikey), traveling, hanging out with friends and family, and developing her skills to one day own a cosmetics …show more content…
I was working toward a degree in marine biology and planned on transferring to a school in California, but while working at my previous job I was exposed to business. The experience inspired me so much that I wanted to work toward a business degree. I earned my Associates degree from Pima Community College (PCC). A friend introduced me to online classes and I explored it further. I kept taking more online courses and really enjoyed them. I also liked that they were flexible. What brought me to NAU was a letter I received in the mail about the 2NAU program and specifically that I could earn my degree online. Also the tuition was affordable at NAU and I had experience with online courses at PCC and enjoyed …show more content…
Professor Jason Myrowitz and the Negotiation and Conflict Management course influenced me the most. He provided comforting advice when I had questions or needed help. He was also able to provide me with reassurance if I had any doubts or issues with assignments as well as provide helpful, genuine feedback.

Where would you like to be in 4 years?
I hope to be working for a cosmetics company at a corporate level and to gain some more experience in management. I would also love to be a beauty Influencer on Instagram. I love photography and beauty-related things and Instagram is the perfect medium to blend the two. Eventually I would like to create my own cosmetics line. Ultimately my goal is to have my own cosmetics company that is vegan and cruelty-free, so four years from now I would love to have my first product released.

What does success mean to you?
Success to me is isn’t about money. It’s about being with the people you enjoy being around and care about. Mainly, it’s about happiness and being healthy so you can do what you love and enjoy every day.

What is the most important characteristic you believe will get you far in

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