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Cultural and Regulatory Factors When considering the cultural differences between countries there are communication barriers that have to be addressed for a smooth transition into the new partnership. The HR Director must meet with the HR Director in the new location (or send a representative ) to carefully examine their current methods. They should be clearly understand and relayed back to the HR Director to trouble shoot for appropriate implementation and /or revision of the necessary policies and procedures in Office Depot. Examining the equal opportunity laws will ensure the correct adopted policies regarding employment discrimination are put into place. What is considered discrimination in India may not be interpreted the same in America and vice versa. "The principle of employment discrimination enforcement is disarmingly simple: no one should be denied a job or a promotion or be fired simply because of his race. But this simple proposition conceals a nest of thorny legal and political questions about the state's role in defining and enforcing racial fairness in employment; establishing legal guidelines, procedures, and sanctions; and devising coercive mechanisms to ensure compliance. "(Lieberman, R., 1999) It is the goal of the HR Director to create a table consistent working environment. Robert Lieberman (1999) says that, "the patterns of stability and change in policy paradigms that are apparent in both countries even in the short time span under study here. Clearly both ideas and institutions matter — ideas as frames for the definition of problems and the linkage of problems with solutions, and institutions as filters of ideas and regulators of the process of policy choice — and a complete explanation of race policy will consider not only both elements but also the ways in which they interact to reconstruct patterns of race relations." In some instances both countries policies could read the same, yet be interpreted differently. In an effort to keep all entities involved headed in the same direction there has to be a clear communication and regulatory rules to ensure the partnership remains stable.
Conversely, they say, companies have to give employees the "freedom" that's essential to

innovate. Organizational Structure Raymond Miles and Charles Snow, authors of ,"Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process" help provide the strategy typology appropriate for outcome desired. The particular typology appropriate for Office Depot and Reliance Retail is the "Analyzer". This is the description of a company that is purposely more innovative in their product marketing initiatives. The Analyzer has a watchful eye yet is willing to take risks in order to succeed. The other three typologies are, " Prospector", "Reactor", and "Defender". The Prospector is described as a company who prospers by stimulating and meeting new product opportunities. The Reactor is the company who vacillate in an approach to their environment . and ultimately fail. The Defender prosper th

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