...Certificate of Education May–June Summer 2016 Examination Timetable – FINAL Home Pearson Edexcel General Certificate of Education May–June Summer 2016 Examination Timetable – FINAL For more information on Edexcel qualifications please visit http://qualifications.pearson.com Notes Pearson Edexcel General Certificate of Education May–June Summer 2016 Examination Timetable – FINAL Home Notes Pearson Edexcel GCE Summer 2016 Examination View by Week Week Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Monday 16 May Monday 23 May Monday 6 June Monday 13 June Monday 20 June Monday 27 June Tuesday 17 May Tuesday 24 May Tuesday 7 June Tuesday 14 June Tuesday 21 June Tuesday 28 June Wednesday 18 May Wednesday 25 May Wednesday 8 June Wednesday 15 June Wednesday 22 June Wednesday 29 June Thursday 19 May Thursday 26 May Thursday 9 June Thursday 16 June Thursday 23 June Thursday 30 June Friday 20 May Day Week 1 Friday 27 May Friday 10 June Friday 17 June Friday 24 June Friday 1 July View by Subject Subject A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Pearson Edexcel General Certificate of Education May–June Summer 2016 Examination Timetable – FINAL Notes Home Notes 1. Conduct of Examinations 2. Key Dates • Each examination must be taken on the day and at the time as shown on the timetable. • The date for the restricted release of results to centres is Wednesday 17 August 2016. • The published starting time of all examinations...
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...preparation sheets Topics and syllabus outline The global pattern: millionaire cities, mega cities and world cities. Economic development and change related to urbanisation. Contemporary urbanisation processes Urbanisation: characteristics, causes and effects. Suburbanisation: characteristics, causes and effects. Counter-urbanisation: characteristics, causes and effects. Re-urbanisation: characteristics, causes and effects. Planning and management issues. Contrasting case studies within countries at different levels of economic development to demonstrate the above. Urban decline and regeneration within urban areas Characteristics and causes of urban decline. Urban regeneration: gentrification, property-led regeneration schemes, partnership schemes between local and national governments and the private sector. Retailing and other services The decentralisation of retailing and other services – causes and impacts. One case study of an out-of-town centre retailing area. The redevelopment of urban centres – impacts and responses, including one case study of an urban centre that has undergone redevelopment. Contemporary sustainability issues in urban areas Waste management: recycling and its alternatives. Transport and its management: the development of integrated, efficient and sustainable systems. |Topic: World Cities - Economic development and change related to |Unit 3 –World Cities– Contemporary geographical issues ...
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...industries in Arabian countries. 1988. Delhi, University of Delhi. 412p, Bibliography: P 354-84. (University of Delhi, Commerce (Deptt of-), Thesis). (Thesis, University of Delhi, Commerce (Deptt of-). {Note: Appendix: P 354-412}. X9(F555).46.N8 M8/Th 00914764 ABBI (Kavita). Life style of Indian women (working V/s non working). 1987. Delhi, University of Delhi. 110p. (University of Delhi, Commerce and Business (Faculty of-), Dissertation). (Dissertation, University of Delhi, Commerce and Business (Faculty of-). Y15.2.N8 M7/Th 00914439 ABERRA (Yohannes). Problems of irrigation in the drought prone region on Northern Ethiopia: A case study of the Mekele Plateau. 2001. Delhi, University of Delhi. xiii, 309p, Bibliography: P 275-92. (University of Delhi, Geography, Deptt. of-), Dissertation). (Dissertation, University of Delhi, Geography, Deptt. of-). {Note: Appendix: P 293-309}. U672(J):(D2).682.P P1/Th 01117400 ABRAHEAM (Khazel Asmail). India-Iraq trade and economic reltions. 1986. Delhi, University of Delhi. 345p,...
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...The Evolution of Development Perspectives The Evolution of Development Perspectives The study below is a review of different articles and the evolution of development perspectives. The study reviews the work of different authors and their perceptions about the evolution of development. A brief summary of the developed economic models has also been included, as most journals have mentioned these theories in their reviews. Development has come a long way over the last sixty years as both a scholarly discipline and as an enterprise. It became very significant after the Second World War and was considered the same as industrialization. Its objective was very clear: to raise incomes and offer goods and services to poor people, who couldn’t have access to them before (Rapely, 2007, p. 1). Evolution can be defined as the self-transformation of a system under study (Witt, 2002, p. 9). Six decades ago, depression and political developments had made first world countries rely on Keynesian models in political and economic circles. This further influenced third world countries whose confidence was supported by the emergence of structural economics in a bid to enter the industrial age. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, those involved with development studies tried to answer the question relating to what it means for the economy to be developed...
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...COURSE AND SUBJECT GUIDE POSTGRADUATE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS 2010 The information contained in this Course and Subject Guide: • • is current only at the date it is published and Melbourne Business School is under no obligation to update the information or correct any inaccuracy which may become apparent at a later date; and is not intended to provide or make recommendation on which you should rely. Melbourne Business School reserves the right to change course content, lecturers, course time, examination procedures and other course details. To the extent permitted by law, Melbourne Business School specifically excludes any liability for any error or inaccuracy in, or omissions from, the information in this Guide and any loss or damage which you or any person may suffer. Last updated: 12 March 2010 1 2 MELBOURNE BUSINESS SCHOOL 2010 ACADEMIC CALENDAR ___________________________________________________________________ TERM 1 Thursday Monday Tuesday 14 January 18 January 26 January Orientation Evening – Weekend Mode and Standard Part Time World of Management Weekend Mode and Part Time (until Friday 22 January) Australia Day Academic School Holiday Carlton Campus on Sunday operations Monday Thursday Friday Monday Thursday Friday Friday Thursday Friday Sunday 9 February 18 February 26 February 8 March 18 March 19 March 2 April 15 April 16 April 25 April Commencement Term 1 Teaching (standard 12-week format subjects) Weekend Mode – Module 1a (until...
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...consensus on the future role of small-holder farming for Africa’s economic growth. Table of contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Definition of inclusive growth 4 1.2 Africa’s economic growth narrative 5 2 The Challenges of Africa’s Agricultural Sector 8 2.1 Issues surrounding Land Tenure and concomitant effects 8 2.2 Low diffusion and absorption of technology 11 3 The Role of Smallholder Farming for Africa’s Economic Growth – Evidence of an Emerging Consensus 13 4 Smallholder Farming Success Narratives 15 4.1 Botswana: Competitiveness of beef smallholder farmers 15 4.2 Ethiopia: Commercialisation of small scale farmers of grain 16 5 Conclusion and Recommendations 17 References 20 Agriculture and its role in inclusive growth in Africa 1. Introduction The purpose of this report is to consider the position of agriculture in Africa, and the potential that it has for improving the lives of the majority of those living on the continent. The report starts off with defining inclusive growth, and highlights how agriculture can contribute towards this phenomena as a consideration. It then talks to agricultural concepts and considerations in the African context, and attempts to identify African specific challenges and provide workable solutions. The paper also reflects on an emerging consensus advocating for the promotion of the productivity of smallholder farmers which is believed could drive economic growth for a broader base of the African population. A key...
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...Sustainability ...............................................................................4 2. Key Players in the Field The Indo-Dutch Group Other Players ...........................................................................5 ....................................................................5 .............................................................................6 3. Production Impact of Operation Flood ....................................................7 Background ................................................................................7 Evidence of Increase in Milk Production ..........................................7 Causes of Growth in Milk production ...............................................10 4. Socio Economic Impact of Operation Flood ............................................13 The Evidence ...............................................................................14 Why was OF considered appropriate for the Poorest? .....................15 Constraints faced by the landless...
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...provides a comprehensive quantitative review of the extant econometrics literature through a meta-regression analysis of 64 empirical studies that collectively report 868 estimates of the effects of education on inequality. We find that education affects the two tails of the distribution of incomes; it reduces the income share of top earners and increases the share of the bottom earners, but has no effect on the share of the middle class. Inequality in education widens income inequality. Education has a larger negative effect on inequality in Africa. The heterogeneity in reported estimates can be largely explained by differences in the specification of the econometric model. JEL Codes: I24, C01 Keywords: Education, inequality, meta-regression analysis Number of words: 12,683 * Corresponding author. Abdullah: Universiti Teknologi Mara Sarawak Campus, Malaysia and PhD Candidate Deakin University, ajabd@deakin.edu.au Doucouliagos: School of Accounting, Economic and Finance, Deakin University, douc@deakin.edu.au Manning: School of Accounting, Economic and Finance, Deakin University, elizabem@deakin.edu.au 1 Education and Income Inequality: A Meta-Regression Analysis 1. Introduction Income inequality is a critically important social, political and economic issue in the study of economic development. Inequality can affect economic growth and development and it can impact upon political stability and class and ethnic tensions.1 The empirical literature identifies various factors that...
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...HUMAN RIGHTS LAW IMPACT OF GLOBALISATION ON HUMAN RIGHTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 1 GLOBALISATION ............................................................................................. 7 CHAPTER 2 INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW ................................................. 10 CHAPTER 3 IMPACT OF GLOBALISATION ON HUMAN RIGHTS............................... 13 Economic Rights .................................................................................................................. 13 Political Rights ..................................................................................................................... 17 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................... 23 Articles ................................................................................................................................. 23 Books .................................................................................................................................... 24 Miscellaneous ..........
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...Please cite this note as: OECD (2014), “OECD forecasts during and after the financial crisis: A Post Mortem”, OECD Economics Department Policy Notes, No. 23 February 2014. OECD FORECASTS DURING AND AFTER THE FINANCIAL CRISIS: A POST MORTEM OECD Economics Department Policy Note no. 23 February 2014 This Policy Note is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. © OECD 2014 You can copy, download or print OECD content for your own use, and you can include excerpts from OECD publications, databases and multimedia products in your own documents, presentations, blogs, websites and teaching materials, provided that suitable acknowledgment of OECD as source and copyright owner is given. All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted...
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...RESEARCH INVENTY: International Journal of Engineering and Science ISSN: 2278-4721, Vol. 1, Issue 5 (October 2012), PP 34-42 www.researchinventy.com Role of Foreign Direct Investment in India: An Analytical Study 1 Dr. Jasbir Singh,2Ms. Sumita Chadha,3 Dr. Anupama Sharma 1 Associate Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Janakpuri, Delhi Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Janakpuri, Delhi 3 Assistant Professor, Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Janakpuri, Delhi 2 Abstract: International Economic Integration plays a vital role in Economic Development of any country. Foreign Direct Investment is one and only major instrument of attracting International Economic Integration in any economy. It serves as a link between investment and saving. Many developing countries like India, are facing the deficit of savings. This problem can be solved with the help of Foreign Direct Investment. Foreign investment helps in reducing the defect of BOP. The flow of foreign investment is a profit making industry like insurance, real estate and business services and serving as a catalyst for the growth of economy in India. The present study is based on the objectives like (a) to know the requirement of amount of foreign investment by India, for its economic Development and (b) to analyze the trend and role of FDI & FIIs in improving the quality and availability of goods has been beyond doubt. To analyze all these objectives data has been gathered through secondary sources...
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...is the defined as an activity for teaching available for students in all subjects including science, mathematics, management, business studies, business and law and information technology. In the academic assistance, all subject related helps is being provided to the students to meet specific subject related queries. It is defined as a tutoring practice, which provides support to the students in solving particular subject related queries. Apart from this, this makes the learning process easy for the students through providing ready to learn or tailor made notes and helps in solving specific subject problems. Basically, academic assistance is the new method of tutoring by a large number of institutions to facilitate the students in their studies. Academic assistance encompasses all types of subjects from English to Management. In the academic content development, a number of subjects such as business studies, marketing, accounting and financial management, operations management, qualitative techniques, history, science, statistics, dissertation and its proposal development, human resources and organizational behaviour are covered. In pertinent to the given subjects, academic assistance is a kind of help provided to the students in developing particular topic related subjects content. Academic assistance is not only limited to provide a notes specific to subjects, but also it covers a full helps in completing the project steps such as authentic data collection and then presentation...
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...and Behaviors Support Sustainable Development? By A NTHONY A. LEISEROWITZ, ROBERT W. K ATES, AND THOMAS M. PARRIS Many advocates of sustainable development recognize that a transition to global sustainability—meeting human needs and reducing hunger and poverty while maintaining the life-support systems of the planet—will require changes in human values, attitudes, and behaviors.1 A previous article in Environment described some of the values used to define or support sustainable development as well as key goals, indicators, and practices.2 Drawing on the few multinational and quasi-global-scale surveys that have been conducted,3 this article synthesizes and reviews what is currently known about global attitudes and behavior that will either support or discourage a global sustainability transition.4 (Table 1 on page 24 provides details about these surveys.) None of these surveys measured public attitudes toward “sustainable development” as a holistic concept. There is, however, a diverse range of empirical data related to many of the subcomponents of sustainable development: development and environment; the driving forces of population, affluence/poverty/consumerism, technology, and entitlement programs; and the gap between attitudes and behavior. Development Concerns for environment and development merged in the early concept of sustainable development, but the meaning of these terms has evolved over time. For example, global economic development is widely viewed as a central priority...
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...opportunities that will present themselves during the course of your study. You have come to an excellent university that is ranked top in 10 subjects under the Government’s Performance Based Research Fund. We are also internationally connected; we have research connections and student exchanges with some of the world’s top universities. I urge you to consider taking part in these while you are with us. Here at the University of Waikato, you will be taught by lecturers who are leaders in their fields of research and who win national teaching awards. We are proud of our academic quality and the fact that we turn out sought-after graduates who go on to take up important roles in all parts of the world. You will already have noticed our beautiful campus which is set in 68 hectares of gardens, green space and lakes. At the heart of it all is the new Student Centre, which was completed in 2011. With its accessible areas, Library services and multitude of facilities, it is a place for students to study or just gather together and we are very proud of this building. In 2011 we celebrated 10 years of another important building, the Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts. This world-class facility was the vision of a group of driven Waikato people. It quickly became a focal point in the campus and continues to be an important venue for the performing arts community. I encourage you to experience all our facilities during your study at Waikato. We are heading towards our 50th anniversary in 2014;...
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...given courses on study skills in their study programme, as they are expected to have acquired these competencies from their earlier education. From my point of view, I agreed with the above topic. The reason I agreed it is because we should not waste our valuable time in university to been taught on study skills. As one of the out campus student, time is very valuable to us. We have to secrete our time between study, work and family. Basically all the study skills such as time management, note taking, SQ3R and so on should be taught in our early education. (primary or secondary). What are the study skills? The term study skills is often used interchangeable with many other term which all describe the same thing – a person’s ability to study effectively, and their ability to acquire knowledge As I mention earlier, the study skills can be categorized as follows: Time management – as a university student, we need to organize our work for ourselves. The number of simultaneous demands being made upon us by different tutors and different courses can be quite daunting at first. Note taking - Everyone takes notes for different purposes at different times. Note-taking can serve a variety of functions depending upon both the context in which they are taken. For an example, kindly see appendix 1 (Cornell note taking) SQ3R – Is on of the reading technic that a student can implent in their study skills. Based on Derek Rowntree in his book Learn How to Study Labels, SQ3R which...
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