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Style Guide


Submitted By nabstrange
Words 476
Pages 2
The Style Guide is a handy reference tool for professionals who want a quick answer to everyday questions on a grammar and style.


Do not use full stops in abbreviations and acronyms.

Right: Mr Mrs Ms Dr
Wrong: Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr.

Right: ie eg 11 am
Wrong: i.e. e.g. 11 a.m

Right: USA IRAS US dollar
Wrong: U.S.A I.R.A.S. U.S dollar

Wrong: F.I.F.O . A.G.M. N.E.V.

Do not use abbreviation in formal documents.

Right: Singapore February page
Wrong: S’pore Feb pg

Do not abbreviate dates in formal documents.

Right: 31 December 2012
Wrong: 31 Dec 12, 31st December 2012, 31/12/12, 31-10-12

Do not use commas in dates

Right: 31 December 2012
Wrong: 31 December, 2012, December 31, 2012


Spell a number which start a sentence

Right: Fifteen branches have missing records.
Wrong: 15 branches have missing records.

Right: Ninety-five branches have missing records.
Wrong: 95 branches have missing records.

Spell numbers zero to ten in full, 11 upwards as numerals.

Right: Records for ten branches are missing.
Wrong: Records for 10 branches are missing.

Right: Records for 11 branches are missing.
Wrong: Records for eleven branches are missing.

Be consistent in a sentence.

Right: “…..the number of supporters fell from forty-two to nine.”
Wrong: “…..the number of supporters fell from 42 to nine.”

Right: “…..the number of supporters fell from 21 to 9.”
Wrong: “…..the number of supporters fell from 21 to nine.”

Do not mix fraction and percentage

Right: It was reported that 25% of the students preferred to wear sports shoes, 50% preferred canvas shoes. And 25% preferred court shoes.
Wrong: It was reported that a quarter of the students preferred to wear sports shoes, 50% preferred to canvas shoes, and ¼ preferred court shoes.


When expressed as a singular body, collective terms such as school and staff warrant a singular form.

Right: The company has signed the agreement.
Wrong: The company have signed the agreement.

Right: Management has decided to adopt the new wage guidelines.
Wrong: Management have decided to adopt the new wage guidelines.

Right: ITEC has indicated its willingness to accept re-appointment.
Wrong: ITEC have indicated its willingness to accept re-appointment.

Right: Tan, Lim & Teo is a legal firm.
Wrong: Tan, Lim & Teo are a legal firm.

Right: Furniture is stated at the depreciated historical cost.
Wrong: Furniture are stated at the depreciated historical cost.

Right: The staff attend a function to welcome the foreign guest.
Wrong: The staff attends a function to welcome the foreign guest.


When using the line to underscore the words, do not underscore punctuation marks.

Right: The results of the Swimming Meets:
Wrong: The results of the Swimming Meets:

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Technology and You and choosing: „File‟ – „Export‟– „Word‟ Files that cannot open and/or incorrect files will receive a grade of 0. We will not be tracking down assignments. Check and double check to ensure that the file is attached and the correct file was submitted. After submitting, definitely review your submission so you can see/confirm the file was submitted. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have uploaded your file into Sakai. You have a maximum of 5 re-submission attempts BEFORE the deadline passes. Late assignments will receive a grade of 0. Assignments sent via e-mail will receive a grade of 0. 1 1 A GUIDE TO THE EDITORIAL What is an editorial?  Generally speaking, an editorial is a letter or an opinion published in a newspaper.  Editorials can be written about anything and from any standpoint. A strong editorial incorporates facts to support opinions.  The...

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