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Successful Backbencher

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College is one of the most important and memorable phase in a student’s life. It is a place where people come not to just get a degree and complete their educational qualification but to learn that will be needed to enter the professional world. It is beyond GPA’s, test scores or sitting in the front row of the class to get better grades. People caught in the wrong profession may find it difficult to make a successful career even though they were amongst the top rank holders. And people who followed their passion make it big in life even if they were amongst the backbenchers and did not get good grades. Thus, being a successful backbencher.
Studying is not about ranking. It is more about who will you become when you finish studying. Everyone wants to be the best but in reality; rank does not define your success or what you are good at. In the real professional world, successful are the ones who are able to apply their learning and concepts. Students struggle to find their identity. Marks are not the only thing that students should be looking for.
Often, we choose our profession due to pressure from parents or anything else apart from what …show more content…
Instead, the process of selection has become more comprehensive and focussed on searching for talent. We have the best example, Google, which is one of the largest multinational companies in the world in Technology sector. The hiring process of Google is successfully placed such that it hunts for talent rather than giving weightage to academic excellence. Google believes in hiring and retaining the best pool and looks for candidates who are able to deliver the best in complex business problems and apply their learnings as it believes that a mere degree cannot define what actually a person can do. Many companies are now following Google’s strategy to hire the best and make this talent as their core operational success

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