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Suicide In Law Enforcement

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Moreover, there is debate about whether the suicide rate in the nation is as high as reported, as some studies say that officers are the second highest occupational group at risk of committing suicide, while some say officers are the third highest; others dismiss the problem entirely and believe that police suicide is not a “serious issue” (Loo, 1999).
Agency’s Public Image
Police agencies are definitely concerned with how their image is portrayed to the public, so they deal with the matters of suicide and suicidal ideation in-house. As a result, this in-house measure may not be as effective as an external measure and fail to help the officer properly. Thereafter, by dealing with the matter internally, this may be construed as hiding and minimizing …show more content…
(1996a), law enforcement officers “may be at higher risk for suicide than the general population and it has been suggested, though not empirically studied, that police suicide rates are frequently misreported.” They found that law enforcement officers oftentimes perceive themselves as invulnerable then view suicide as disgraceful to the victim officer and police profession. As a result, police investigators may manipulate or tweak the gathered information in any way they see fit since fellow police officers are first on the scene on any suicide; whether it is to protect victim officers and their families from the stigma of suicide or to hurt them; officers who worked with the victim officer have the means and opportunity to manipulate the case. Therefore, if police suicides are being hidden or masked in some way, then suicide rates may be invalid and unreliable. This can then lead to either a positive or negative influence on how policies are made and can impact further research on the issue of suicide and suicidal …show more content…
Also, the time in which some of the studies were conducted were arguably not long enough to get an accurate representation of the issue; researchers would conduct their study in as little as two or three years, to calculate the annual suicide rate, but that is arguably not enough time to get accurate results. Even though there is debate between whether or not the severity of the issues of police suicide is extreme or not, as research suggests, the problem still exists. Therefore, regardless of how high or how low the suicide rate among officers is, preventive strategies need to be implemented to reduce the number of officer suicides and suicide

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