...1) What did the defendants do with their land that the plaintiff’s considered “unreasonable and substantial”? Since 1947, the cook family have living near Lake Winnipesauke in Moultonboro NH. In 1996, the defendants, John and Diane Sullivan bought property near the Cook family residence. They decided to construct their home on a piece of wetland, but before they could, the area needed to be back filled, the elevation was then raised and then their home was place. Shortly after, the plaintiff’s, the Cook family, realized their yard, garage and lower level of their house was flooding every spring and summer. They confronted the Sullivan’s, who proceeded to try several remedies for the situation including removing some of the fill and digging a drainage ditch. Yet, when those remedies did not work, the Cook’s decided to sue the Sullivan’s for nuisance. 2) How does the court decide whether or not a use of land is unreasonable? What kind of thinking process does the court go through? The trial court rules in favor of the plaintiff’s, stating “the defendants’ construction activities constituted as a nuisance that damaged the plaintiff’s property” (O. Lee Reed, 2013) The trial court proceeded to order the defendants removal of fill and foundation, thus resulting in the removal of their house and pushed back about 40 feet. During this trail, the court took time looking at both sides of the story, using the balance test to determine the gravity of harm to both the defendants...
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...been probably the most successful technology company in the world. It revolutionized three businesses in the next 10 years: music, smartphones, and tablets. When Steve Jobs died in 2011, it was up to his successor, Tim Cook, to revolutionize the next set of industries. In 2015, Cook appeared to have three potential targets: watches (wearables), television, and cars. All three were bets on highly uncertain futures. Watches were off to a promising start in their first quarter of shipments, but it was far too early to declare victory. Television seemed ripe for disruption, but many firms had tried and failed to change the TV landscape. And cars, of course, represented the biggest opportunity as well as the biggest leap for Apple. Financially, Tim Cook and his team were unconstrained: Apple was the most profitable company on the planet in the fourth quarter of 2014, generating $18 billion in net income (Exhibit 1). However, Steve Jobs had famously said that Apple’s success came “from saying no to 1,000 things to make sure we don’t get on the wrong track or try to do too much. We’re always thinking about new markets we could enter, but it’s only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.”1 The big questions for Tim Cook and his team included: Were watches, TVs, and car the right focus? Was Apple doing down the best path in watches and wearables? Should Apple shift direction in TVs? Did it make sense for Apple to enter the car business...
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...2013 MIS - 7650 12/2/2013 2013 MIS - 7650 12/2/2013 Analyzing the HealthCare.gov Debacle Analyzing the HealthCare.gov Debacle Overview On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, putting in place a comprehensive reform designed to improve access to affordable health coverage for American citizens and to protect consumers from abusive insurance company practices (The White House, 2013). To achieve their goal of providing affordable health care to citizens worldwide, the government set up a Health Insurance Marketplace, also known as Healthcare.gov. Under the law, the online marketplace was to act as a centralized portal in which millions of uninsured Americans would have the ability to compare prices and shop for a variety of quality, affordable plans that best met their health care needs (Lee, 2013). In order for the marketplace to be successful, it needed to carry out a slew of tasks including: verify a person’s identity, legal residence, and income; check eligibility status; calculate subsidy; and allow enrollment (Carmody, 2013). In addition, the site would have to interact with a large number of databases operated by various federal and state agencies. Therefore, the website needed to be interfaced with various entities including IRS, Social Security Administrations, and the Department of Homeland Security and credit bureaus (Carmody, 2013). The government assigned Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)...
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...Business Analysis III A Foster MGT 521 August 17, 2011 Abstract Recent economic trends are influencing the way Apple conducts business. Apple has many strategies which they have used or could use for adapting to the changing markets. This includes an economic downturn or recession. There are some tactics the company has implemented or could implement to achieve their strategic goals. The role human resource management plays in helping Apple achieve its business goals. Apple has a healthy financial record and one should invest in their stock. Business Analysis III Apple incorporates many tactics and business strategies to gain market shares and stay competitive. They also utilize their human resource management to attract and retain the best possible employees. Apple’s success is determined based on their employees. Apple ensures that their employees have the best benefits and have job satisfaction. Business strategies “Committed to bringing the best user experience to its customers” (Apple SEC Annual Report, 2011, p. 1) It leverages its unique ability to design and develop its own branded operating system, hardware, application software, and services. The new products and services have ease-of-use, seamless integration, and innovative design. The company believes strongly in the investment of its research and development which will enhance the products and technologies. iTunes store hosts a robust platform for the discovery and delivery...
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...Apple Corporation: Strategy Analysis Executive summary Apple Corporation continues to be the worlds most admired company because of its huge financial base, ability to attract and retain customers, ability to innovate and to produce technologically superior products. The company’s strategy as found in this report is built around creativity and innovation. Its capabilities in terms of resources and technology have made the company to produce technologically advanced products. Despite the huge influence of the external factors such as regulations, the economy and changes in technology, Apple is still strong and able to leverage its capabilities to achieve success. Apple is thus strategically positioned to achieve its objectives despite a few challenges that were identified that pose a threat to the company. Overall, its future direction should be guided by innovation and its ability to diversify its activities and products in order to extend its product line in order to survive. Introduction The 21st century has witnessed a rapid change in the way companies do business and the rationale for this is the cut throat competition among firms. The need to make profits and to gain market share has driven these companies to enact strategies that have led them to perform better (Vernon, 2001). This is not always the same with all companies as performance varies across these companies and this could be explained by the different strategies that they have adopted (Francis, 2010)...
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...ork2012 - 2013 Catalog A Message from the President “Sullivan University is truly a unique and student success focused institution.” I have shared that statement with numerous groups and it simply summarizes my basic philosophy of what Sullivan is all about. When I say that Sullivan is “student success focused,” I feel as President that I owe a definition of this statement to all who are considering Sullivan University. First, Sullivan is unique among institutions of higher education with its innovative, career-first curriculum. You can earn a career diploma or certificate in a year or less and then accept employment while still being able to complete your associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree by attending during the day, evenings, weekends, or online. Business and industry do not expand or hire new employees only in May or June each year. Yet most institutions of higher education operate on a nine-month school year with almost everyone graduating in May. We remained focused on your success and education, and continue to offer our students the opportunity to begin classes or to graduate four times a year with our flexible, year-round full-time schedule of classes. If you really want to attend a school where your needs (your real needs) come first, consider Sullivan University. I believe we can help you exceed your expectations. Since words cannot fully describe the atmosphere at Sullivan University, please accept my personal invitation to visit and experience...
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...Changing Behavior: Insights and Applications Annette Frahm, project manager Dave Galvin Gail Gensler Gail Savina Anne Moser December 1995 Revised June 2001 Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County King County Water Pollution Control Division 130 Nickerson St., Suite 100 Seattle, Washington 98109 (206) 263-3050; haz.waste@metrokc.gov Prog-3(12/95)rev.6/01 Introduction Have you ever tried to get a smoker to stop? A kid to start wearing a bike helmet? An aerosol user to switch? Changing behavior is both art and science, and much can be learned from others’ attempts to change behavior that can make our work more effective. A project team at the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County, Washington, spent several months in 1995 reading behavior change literature from energy conservation, recycling, health education and other fields, looking for insights. We distilled many of the principles found in the literature into workshops for staff, hoping to make their efforts to change business’ and the public’s hazardous waste behavior more effective. At the workshops, we presented some key behavior change principles, a panel shared their insights, and staff worked through an exercise to learn how to apply the principles to their work. This report summarizes our findings and includes examples from field experience. A key insight from the project is that information alone is not enough to change behavior. As government workers, we often try to...
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...NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES OUTSOURCING AT WILL: UNJUST DISMISSAL DOCTRINE AND THE GROWTH OF TEMPORARY HELP EMPLOYMENT David H. Autor Working Paper 7557 http://www.nber.org/papers/w7557 NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 February 2000 The author is indebted to Daron Acemoglu, Joshua Angrist, John Donohue III, Edward Glaeser, John H. Johnson III, Lawrence Katz, Sendhil Mullainathan, Andrew Morriss, Richard Murnane, Stewart Schwab, Douglas Staiger, and Marika Tatsutani for valuable suggestions, and to Barry Guryan of Epstein, Becker and Green for expert legal counsel. I also thank seminar participants at Brown University, Harvard University, MIT, the NBER Labor Studies workshop, and the 2000 Econometrics Society meeting for excellent comments.The views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the National Bureau of Economic Research. © 2000 by David H. Autor. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source. Outsourcing at Will: Unjust Dismissal Doctrine and the Growth of Temporary Help Employment David H. Autor NBER Working Paper No. 7557 February 2000 JEL No. J21, K31 ABSTRACT The U.S. temporary help services (THS) industry grew at 11 percent annually between 1979 – 1995, five times more rapidly than non-farm employment. Contemporaneously...
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...Crime, Corruption and Cover-ups in the Chicago Police Department Anti-Corruption Report Number 7 January 17, 2013 Authored by: John Hagedorn Bart Kmiecik Dick Simpson Thomas J. Gradel Melissa Mouritsen Zmuda David Sterrett With Ivana Savic Justin Escamilla Magdalena Waluszko Dalibor Jurisic Tricia Chebat Published by University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Political Science 1 The Chicago Police Department has a legacy of both heroism and corruption. On the one hand, the department’s officers risk their lives on a daily basis to enforce the law, protect the public and preserve the peace. On the other hand, Chicago has a checkered history of police scandals and an embarrassingly long list of police officers who have crossed the line to engage in brutality, corruption and criminal activity. An analysis of five decades of news reports reveals that since 1960, a total of 295 Chicago Police officers have been convicted of serious crimes, such as drug dealing, beatings of civilians, destroying evidence, protecting mobsters, theft and murder. Moreover, the listing of police convicted of crimes undoubtedly underestimates the problem of corruption in the Chicago Police Department (CPD). The list does not include undetected and unreported illegal activity, serious misconduct resulting in internal disciplinary action, and officers who retire rather than face charges. Our analysis of police corruption in Chicago yields four major findings. First, corruption has long persisted...
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...------------------------------------------------- Course OutlineDepartment of Accounting and FinanceSchool of Business and Economics | ACCT 4250-01 Advanced Management Accounting (3,0,0) MWF 1:30-2:20 PM A&E 208 Instructor: Dr. Laura Jean Kreissl Office: IB 2060 Office Hours: please check office door Email: lkreissl@tru.ca Email is strongly recommended over voicemail as it is checked more frequently Phone/Voice Mail: 250-852-7675 Last Updated: November30, 2015 Calendar Description Building on ACCT 3250: Intermediate Management Accounting, students explore the integrative and interdisciplinary role of management accounting and its contribution to the strategic management process and the provision of quantitative and non-quantitative information for planning, control, and decision making. Topics include management control systems; results controls, action, personnel and cultural controls; control system tightness; control system cost; designing and evaluating management control systems; financial responsibility centers including transfer pricing; planning, and budgeting; incentive systems; financial performance measures; the myopia problem; uncontrollable factors; corporate governance; and ethical issues. | Educational Objectives/Outcomes Upon completing this course, students will be able to: 1. Locate the role of Management Control Systems (MCS) in both strategy and operations. 2. Describe results control and its applications. ...
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...Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists American Psychological Association Approved as APA Policy by the APA Council of Representatives, August, 2002 Copyright, American Psychological Association, 2002 Author Note: This document was approved as policy of the American Psychological Association (APA) by the APA Council of Representatives in August, 2002. This document was drafted by a joint Task Force of APA Divisions 17 (Counseling Psychology) and 45 (The Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues). These guidelines have been in the process of development for 22 years, so many individuals and groups require acknowledgement. The Divisions 17/45 writing team for the present document included Nadya Fouad, PhD, Co-Chair, Patricia Arredondo, EdD, Co-Chair, Michael D’Andrea, EdD and Allen Ivey, EdD. These guidelines build on work related to multicultural counseling competencies by Division 17 (Sue et al., 1982) and the Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development (Arredondo et al., 1996; Sue, Arredondo, & McDavis, 1992). The Task Force acknowledges Allen Ivey, EdD, Thomas Parham, PhD, and Derald Wing Sue, PhD for their leadership related to the work on competencies. The Divisions 17/45 writing team for these guidelines was assisted in reviewing the relevant literature by Rod Goodyear, PhD, Jeffrey S. Mio, PhD, Ruperto (Toti) Perez, PhD, William Parham, PhD, and Derald Wing Sue...
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...PERCEIVED VALUES: FACE TO FACE VS. VIRTUAL TRAINING MSA 600 Foundations of Research Methods in Administration Central Michigan University Submitted by: Gregory X. Brown Project Instructor: Dr. Marty Meloche Submission Date: 10 August 2015 Table of Contents Page Number List of Tables ii List of Figures ii Chapter 1 Problem Definition 3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 10 Chapter 3 Research Methodology 21 Chapter 4 Data Analysis Future Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations Future Definition of Terms Future References Pages 29 Appendix A Permission to Conduct Study Chapter 1: Problem Definition Background Over the last decade Soldiers in the Headquarters Company of the 710th Brigade Support Battalion, 10th Mountain Division (HHC, 710th BSB) have deployed several times throughout the Middle East in support of combat operations. The way that Soldiers have trained has changed over that time. Training has shifted from a hands-on platform to more virtual world. Since the mid-2000s, the Soldiers of HHC, 710th BSB, 3/10 MTN have been prepared to execute combat operations based on the training that has been spearheaded by the Non Commissioned Officers (NCOs). Army Directorate Publication 7-0 (ADP 7-0) is a manual that describes the appropriate way to conduct unit training. According to ADP 7-0 “unit training is the Army’s life- blood and the NCOs are the...
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...Chapter 1 SIGMUND FREUD AN INTRODUCTION Sigmund Freud, pioneer of Psychoanalysis, was born on 6th May 1856 in Freiberg to a middle class family. He was born as the eldest child to his father’s second wife. When Freud was four years old, his family shifted and settled in Vienna. Although Freud’s ambition from childhood was a career in law, he decided to enter the field of medicine. In 1873, at the age of seventeen, Freud enrolled in the university as a medical student. During his days in the university, he did his research on the Central Nervous System under the guidance of German physician `Ernst Wilhelm Von Brucke’. Freud received his medical degree in 1881and later in 1883 he began to work in Vienna General Hospital. Freud spent three years working in various departments of the hospital and in 1885 he left his post at the hospital to join the University of Vienna as a lecturer in Neuropathology. Following his appointment as a lecturer, he got the opportunity to work under French neurologist Jean Charcot at Salpetriere, the famous Paris hospital for nervous diseases. So far Freud’s work had been entirely concentrated on physical sciences but Charcot’s work, at that time, concentrated more on hysteria and hypnotism. Freud’s studies under Charcot, which centered largely on hysteria, influenced him greatly in channelising his interests to psychopathology. In 1886, Freud established his private practice in Vienna specializing in nervous diseases...
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...MEMORANDUM/POLICY "THE CMC-HOOTERS MANAGEMENT MANIFESTO" GUIDE TO HOOTERS RESTAURANT OPERATIONS EXCELLENCE By James E. Cornett III, with J. Philip Cornett All Rights Reserved Copyright 1998 Created: December 1996 Last Updated 11-04-10 MANAGER RESPONSIBILITIES This memo will highlight responsibilities for the Hooters Manager position. Many duties are for the position of General Manager. However, any "assistant" manager performing these duties well will progress and perform much better than one just merely going through the motions. This set of philosophies and operating policies was derived from the CMC-HOOTERS GENERAL MANAGER MANIFESTO. OVERVIEW There are many responsibilities that will be defined in terms of mechanical responsibilities.... But more important than that, and therefore things that I will list first, are philosophical and attitudinal responsibilities. Most managers can run a typical restaurant. But Hooters is not a typical concept or restaurant operation. It takes a special person to manage a Hooters and an even more special person to be a excellent manager of a Hooters Restaurant. You have to run the restaurant like it's yours and the GM's to own and run, working as a team, and make yourself only settle for being the BEST in town. Nothing second rate. You must know that settling for mediocrity means death to the restaurant, any potential bonuses, and death to job security and career growth. That means always concerning yourself...
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...UNIVERSAL PICTURES and EMMETT / FURLA FILMS Present A MARC PLATT Production In Association with OASIS VENTURES ENTERTAINMENT LTD / ENVISION ENTERTAINMENT / HERRICK ENTERTAINMENT / BOOM! STUDIOS A BALTASAR KORMÁKUR Film PAULA PATTON BILL PAXTON JAMES MARSDEN FRED WARD and EDWARD JAMES OLMOS Executive Producers BRANDT ANDERSEN JEFFREY STOTT MOTAZ M. NABULSI JOSHUA SKURLA MARK DAMON Produced by MARC PLATT RANDALL EMMETT NORTON HERRICK ADAM SIEGEL GEORGE FURLA ROSS RICHIE ANDREW COSBY Based on the BOOM! Studios Graphic Novels by STEVEN GRANT Screenplay by BLAKE MASTERS Directed by BALTASAR KORMÁKUR –1– CAST Waitress Margie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LINDSEY GORT Roughneck #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HILLEL M. SHARMAN Robert “Bobby” Trench . . . . . . . . . DENZEL WASHINGTON Roughneck #3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AARON ZELL Marcus “Stig” Stigman . . . . . . . . . . . . MARK WAHLBERG Roughneck #4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HENRY PENZI Deb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAULA PATTON CREW Earl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BILL PAXTON Admiral Tuwey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FRED J. WARD Quince . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JAMES MARSDEN Directed by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BALTASAR KORMÁKUR Papi Greco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EDWARD JAMES OLMOS Screenplay by . . . . . . . . . . . ...
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