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Sumerians Achievements

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Mesopotamia is the Greek word for the land between the rivers. The first civilization began in the valleys, Tigris and Euphrates. Those Sumerians were those first to create an urban human progress Previously, Mesopotamia, the Sumerians colonized those marshlands of the easier Euphrates. The Sumerians spoke a dialect that might have been later traded Toward a Semitic tongue, best referred to with the priest and the individuals who disappeared likewise unique people. however, the individuals summa cum laude the public arena. Achievements bear two different civilizations, Akkadians, Babylonians, Elamites, and so on. Ad they adjusted those religious, literary, and craft structures. of the Sumerians. With their hard work and imagination, the Sumerians …show more content…
The ziggurats might have been something like 70 feet secondary What's more staircases associated with its level, which prompted the top banana stage looking into which remained a superb temple. It surrounded workplaces Also houses for those priests. An specific city belonged to a lord who might have been the real manager of the territory and the true ruler of the city Furthermore sanctuary. These temples were based on fulfill those gods Furthermore their groups. They were advertised shelter, food, apparel and respect from claiming committed servants. The sanctuary might have been a fundamental a piece of the city existence in the light they performed financial exercises for example, gathering. Therefore, the gods which were unobservable to mankind's eyes, however were everywhere, regulated those whole universe and All that with it including the moon, those suns and the storms. Important decisions were made by the well known gods such as, the god of storm, mother earth, the god of waters, etc. Therefore, gods and men were the same in myths such as those that told the creation and life after death, because of this it created the appearance of writing, astrology, and mathematics. The Sumerians secured schools, which prepared those children of the high society in the craft about cuneiform script. Cuneiform Script was a type of writing that was …show more content…
In Mesopotamia there might have been more amazing chances for private enterprise. Also merchants, temple priests captivated in trade since they possessed surplus produce gathered such as, rents from farmers utilizing temple territory. Due to trade’s importance of the life of the city, governments founded regulations to prevent fraud. Business transactions needed to be recorded in writing, also extreme disciplines were forced to disingenuousness. An arrangement of weights and measures encouraged trade and exertions were made to prevent excessive interest rates for loans. Mesopotamia imported assets not found at home stone, silver and timber. In exchange, they exported textiles, fine handicrafts, and agricultural items. They also brought in copper starting with the Persian Gulf, precious metals, and ivory. Representative set up trading outposts in inaccessible

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