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Summary: How Can America Be Made Greater In The 21st Century

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How can America be made Greater in the 21st century? United states of America, home to 325.7 million people, is indeed a great country. US is situated in a continent where the soil is significantly more fruitful contrasted with considerably more established Asian and European countries. Likewise, the nation is honored with a wide range of natural assets you can consider. Individuals in this nation are not inspired by whose son you are, or spouse, or husband, as in different nations. They look at what you can do without anyone else. There is free media, and quality of law. Every one of us are equivalent, with the privilege to vote, the privilege to express our sentiments, the privilege to wish …show more content…
tax system is broken. U.S. tax system is known to be dynamic where the individuals who are the most well-off in America to contribute the biggest offer of their pay in charges but that’s just not the truth. When you represent state, local and sales tax, top-line tax assessment rate isn't generally dynamic by any means. (Zornick, 2015) The tax system is not fair when it comes to the people with low-income or for the people below the poverty line in terms of state, local and sales tax. Because of the unfairness of the tax system, adequate income is not raised to fund government spending which impedes financial proficiency. If we look at the facts, “In other words, it said the tax systems are "upside down," with the poor paying more and the rich paying less. Overall, the poorest 20 percent of Americans paid an average of 10.9 percent of their income in state and local taxes and the middle 20 percent of Americans paid 9.4 percent. The top 1 percent, meanwhile, pay only 5.4 percent of their income to state and local taxes.” (Frank, 2015) The tax system needs to be reformed by raising long haul income, expanding ecological taxes, changing the corporate tax, treating low-and center pay workers impartially and proficiently, and guaranteeing fitting taxation of high-salary family units. High-salary family units are increasing their income because of which the taxation should be more for them which will help in financing government revenue. Tax revenue helps in benefitting the people of the country by enhancing the facilities in education, health, sports, entertainment and many more. This process helps in creating a greater

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