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Summary: Inter Professional Collaboration

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Inter professional Collaboration
A multidisciplinary team supplies reassurance, realistic hope, information, assistance, respect and a holistic and family centred care approach to patients (Tedford & Price 2013, p.
17). Throughout Jenny’s journey, she had a variety of health professionals involved in her care. This involved her general practitioner, Dr. Brown, phlebotomist, paediatric and oncology nursing staff and surgeons and pharmacist (School of Nursing and Midwifery 2014). The general practitioner took initial diagnostic tests, provided support and education (School of Nursing and Midwifery 2014). The role of a general practitioner for paediatric palliative care patients is to assist with care of the child in a home setting; assessments and symptom management ( The phlebotomist, Karen, develops a therapeutic relationship with Jenny and her family by explaining the procedure to calm any fears about taking Jenny’s blood (School of Nursing and Midwifery 2014). The Paediatric palliative care team provides psychosocial support, respite care, family support (Virdun et al. 2015, p. 430). …show more content…
There were different roles played; treatment nurse, primary nurse, student nurse and documentation nurse. Teamwork is a vital component in healthcare (Plonien & Williams 2015, p. 466). Therefore, it is necessary to practice and critically reflect on teamwork throughout Jenny’s

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