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Summary: Lost In The Meritocracy

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Welcome back to my blog! It seems so soon that I'm blogging again. Since the last time, I challenged myself to read at a faster pace than my previous novels. My current goal is 180 pages a week. Unfortunately, I spent half the time sick or in the hospital with a 103° fever unable to even get out of bed due to my vision being blurry because of the lack of contacts. However, I was able to finish my first book, Lost in the Meritocracy. Since then, I have started a second book called Chew on This: Everything You Don't Want to Know About Fast Food. It is a nonfiction book that talks about the side of fast food that the companies don't want to show the public like their advertising schemes or their meat slaughterhouses. I'm currently 280 pages into …show more content…
I didn't realize there was such a cost at producing running these restaurants to the satisfaction of the consumers until this book showed the competition between companies and the shortcuts they are willing to take in order to meet the standards of the public. Small companies like McDonald's that started with two brothers rapidly turned into a giant fast food king. During this time, they would mistreat staff, use frozen, not fresh, ingredients, and while all at the same time establishing a happy and trustworthy facade to unsuspecting customers. "And workers who needed to go the bathroom weren't allowed to take a break. They were forced to pee on the slaughterhouse floor, near meat that people would soon be eating." This is a perfect example of the carelessness in the fast food environment. They paid the staff minimum wage and sometimes even somehow managed to cut their wages and give them long hours. One girl interviewed from the story even stated that she worked 19 solid hours, but the manager DID give her a reward: a bag of candy. This shows the unfair treatment of staff members at particular establishments like these. Moments like this should be brought into the public and lead to other potential fast food chains to reflect on their own policies in an act for social improvement. As a company gets bigger, the greed for money encourages corporations to alter their way of production thus leading to the use of non organic and frozen foods. Without the use of carefully checked fresh produce, there is bound to be consequences for both the company and the customer such as food poisoning or salmonella. Another example of the poor treatment in the slaughterhouse is, "The chain carries them upside down to a huge tank of water that's charged with electricity. When the birds are dunked into the water, the electricity is supposed to knock them

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