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Summary: Non-Congressional Climate Change

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To: Senior Advisor David Plouffe
From: Administrator, Mourtaday Malik
Subject: Non-Congressional Climate Change Strategies to Save Energy
Date: April 25, 2016


The increasing average air and ocean temperatures- which involve rising sea levels, increasing frequency of major storms, and the potential for catastrophic collapses of ecosystems – is simply too serious to ignore. For the U.S, the end behind adopting a convincing greenhouse gas reduction policy is twofold: first, applying strong strategies internally will give the United States more credibility at the international level to negotiate CO2 reductions; second, the U.S. has the opening to economically benefit if it can become the world leader in clean-tech industry. The major …show more content…
In 2007, the International Panel on Climate Change released a report citing undisputable evidence of increasing average air and ocean temperatures. The varied and catastrophic outcomes that are forecasted from these increasing temperatures including rising sea levels, increasing frequency of major storms, and the potential acollapses of ecosystems. In 2009, the American Clean Energy and Security Act was proposed in the House of Representatives. The act adopted a cap-and-trade system similar to the plan used by the EU. However, the Federal government has been essential to providing funding for billions of dollars worth of climate change research. According to a 2010 Congressional Budget Office report, the majority of that funding comes through the Department of Energy and …show more content…
Climate change is going to have many varied and unpredictable effects. While the other policy alternatives are certainly ideas that should be considered, they deal with more limited or micro-level problems. Only by creating a department that will look at the broad picture and serve as the President’s coordinator on climate change issues can the country effectively deal with the macro-level problems it will encounter. In addition, the office might be limited in resources in the short-term, but as the political will and public opinion on climate change grows more favorable, the office will have the opportunity to grow. Giving it a start now will allow it to begin to amass the experts and resources it will need in the

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