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Oregon Coast Range Research Paper

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Oregon is filled with many geologic wonders. From towering mountains and volcanoes to small quartzite pebbles carried from Idaho by the Columbia river\. Deciphering how these wonders occurred is a unique task and one that is filled with delightful surprises. We will be taking a close look at the formation and composition of the Northern Oregon Coast Range, we have to take in the coast range as a whole first and perhaps even the state, so that we can attain the fullest breadth of knowledge for how this small section of land came to exist.
The Northern Oregon Coast range is located in the North-West corner of Oregon. It is the north section of the coastal mountain range that borders Oregon. The Oregon coast range is divided into three sections; Northern, Central, and Southern Coast Ranges. The Northern Coast Range is the youngest of the three, while the Southern is the oldest. The Northern Coast Range also contains more sedimentary rock than its southern counterpart (Oregon Coast). The climate along the coast range is temperate, with heavy rainfall averaging one-hundred inches per year (Roering). …show more content…
The highest point on the northern section of coast line is 3,706 feet at Rogers Peak (Oregon Coast). The Northern Oregon Coast Range is bordered by the Columbia River on the north border then spans one hundred miles to its southern border the Salmon River. Beyond the Salmon River the Central Coast Range begins (Oregon Coast).
The Oregon Coast Range is on a convergent tectonic boundary. The plates involved are the North American Plate and the Juan de Fuca Plate, with Juan de Fuca submerging under the North American Plate (Roering). Along the coast this tectonic setting has caused uplift of the Coast Range across Oregon over the

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