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Explain The Importance Of Supporting Changes In Research

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The most important part of supporting children with changes is that they should be able to rely on someone who they have a positive relationship with. This person should also have a strong relationship with parents, family members and other professionals involved, so that information which may affect the child can be shared. The information that should be shared for example is when a new baby in the family is due or when court proceedings are due, all things that may have an effect on the child. They are many ways to support a child who is experiencing a transition. Some of the strategies that can be used are:

Explaining to the child what is likely to happen
A child is more likely to make a successful transition if they understand what is going to happen. The timing and depth of this explanation is vital as most young children do not have a strong sense of time. Therefore you must not overwhelm them …show more content…
Some children may appear not to be interested and older children may want to change the subject. Therefore the amount of information given or the explanation that is required should be managed by the cues given specifically by the child involved.

Allowing time for information to be processed
Sometimes children and young people show delayed reactions to what has be proposed or said to them. It is important to expect this and to realise that if a child is quiet at the time when information is given or does not react that they may have questions or reactions to what has been said later on.

Being truthful and answering questions
When a child has a question it is best to be truthful as this will allow trust to be built within the relationship. In many situations the child will ask one question and may not ask another until later on as they are coming to terms with what is happening in their own time.

Listening to and acknowledging children’s

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