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Summary Of Conscious Capitalism

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At the heart of every successful business you’ll find conscious leadership, that was the message being conveyed by John Mackey and Raj Sisodia, authors of “Conscious Capitalism: Liberating The Heroic Spirit of Business”. The authors describe conscious leaders as great men and women who have extraordinary bravery and can take stern criticism from others. These leaders are the types who prepare businesses not only for the current generation but for the future generation, too. Conscious leaders know what’s happening and what direction the business is heading. They know how their role helps attain the mission and vision of the business. They motivate their employees and treat everyone as somebody who will greatly contribute to the success of the …show more content…
The resulting lists of traits are compared to assess likelihood of success as a leader so traits may be physiological - height, weight, appearance; demographic - education, age, and socioeconomic background; intellective- intelligence, decisiveness, judgment, and knowledge; task-related - achievement drive, initiative, and persistence; and social characteristics- sociability, cooperativeness, confidence, and aggressiveness. (Fernandez,, 1997) Core traits of successful leaders are seen as criteria for leadership potential: achievement drive - high level of effort, high levels of ambition, energy and initiative; leadership motivation- an intense desire to lead others to reach shared goals; honesty and integrity - trustworthy, reliable, and open; self-confidence - belief in one’s self, ideas, and ability; cognitive ability- capable of exercising good judgment, strong analytical abilities, and conceptually skilled; knowledge of business- knowledge of industry and other technical matters; emotional maturity - well adjusted, does not suffer from severe psychological disorders; others- charisma, creativity and flexibility. The list of traits is very long and the model relates physical traits such as, height and weight, to effective leadership. The trait theory regards leadership as natural talents so a person is either a born leader or not. . …show more content…
Leaders have to be prepared to take some risks as they learn to broaden their range… even when they have decided to respond using one approach rather than the other is to be able to keep the opposite supporting antennae alive so that you remain at choice throughout.” (Nicol, et,al.2010). To assess my own strengths, I took the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, the most widely used personality tests consisted of 70 questions. The result showed that I have a blend of Supportive and Inspiring traits. I have a very balanced blend of friendliness, helpfulness, warmth, and being sociable. The test showed I have more a people-oriented than task-oriented perspective, enjoy interacting with people and helping people, connect well and can empathize with others, both outgoing and reserved, and understand the people around me better. Another self-assessment test I took on leadership showed I am a visionary who can give clear direction for my company and communicate my plans in a way that excites others. The test result says that I have an essential skill because employees will be much more willing to achieve a goal if they are passionate about it, and I present my ideas to others in a confident manner. To sum up, I am an innovative visionary who is confident in my ability to persuade and convince others, according to this leadership

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