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Summary Of The 8 Greek Evil Thoughts

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The 8 Greek Evil Thoughts were used to show the bad things in the world. Gastrimargia is the consumption of excess food or drink that is more than needed. Eating a little more than normal is not bad, being addicted to food is a sin. Porneia is the act of a married person has impure thoughts for someone other than their spouse. Philargyria is greed; for example one wanting something one did not earn so one does not deserve it. Hyperephania is feeling too much pride for one’s self known as narcissism. Lype is the feeling of sadness that is not being stopped. Orge is when one holds a grudge instead of forgiving the cause of anger. Kenodoxia is boasting to which one is saying words of dishonesty. Acedia is knowing one is depressed but does not

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