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Summary: The Benefits Of Telehealth

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The authors in this document presents that the United States troops are always in constant mental pressure due to their challenging career which can cause serious harm to their body and mind. This is also related to the Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraq Freedom (OIF) where the U.S troops were most of the time under severe stress. Because of this mental health problems such as posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD increases within them. Veterans in the U.S are not being properly treated as some lives in the rural area and there is less likely to receive proper mental health treatments in their local VA community and fully trained PTSD treatment providers are small and mostly unavailable to these communities. Research has found …show more content…
So, to avoid these barriers, methods have been created for these people and one of them is telemedicine or telehealth. Telehealth is a process that involves using communication between one place to another to provide therapy and treatment to the patients, this is good for long distance therapy sessions. Telehealth provides more potential benefits as an alternative to in-person treatment. One of them is one potential benefits is lower cost without sacrificing the quality of the treatment and is cost effective within Veterans Affairs settings. After using the telehealth, and seeing all the positive outcomes it has delivered, now it is being used for delivery of behavioral treatments, social skills group treatment, psychological assessments and session evaluations. Telehealth also had an impact in rural areas which was also a positive …show more content…
This treatment also includes psychoeducation, traumatic memories being displayed repeatedly to the patients, constant vivo exposure, etc. All safety precaution was taken during the session and the primary concern was the safety of the patients. PE was delivered via telehealth to the patients using fax machines and so that the patients can do their home tasks, information forms, psychopathology themselves. These forms were faxed to support staff for appointments and then given back to the patients. During the sessions, patients were asked to track records of the progress because it was not yet available to the provider until after the session. The other way was the overnight mail which is to send imaginal exposure audio-recordings to patients and later they would listen to it overnight as their home task. The only difference that stands out between in-person PE and telehealth PE was that how resistance to in-vivo exposure exercises was

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