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Successful College Students

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As many students start to look forward in their future many students have to decide on what to do after High School. Some students have decided to pursue college, and others have decided to work. Many college freshmen are surprised by how different college is from High School. However, students have always wondered how college is really like. The advice comes from the article that helped students succeed in college. Being a successful student at the University level may require a lot of time and long nights of studying. However, University may require new study methods than those used in High School. Many college students have trouble with their old study methods. they’re irrelevant to the work material we’re given. The first aspect of being efficient is studying as John M. Grohol, Psy.D. Explained in the article “Highly Effective Study Habits” …show more content…
They're much more techniques that college students have used to their advantage to make college life more stress-free. Most students like to take notes in different ways like using their laptops or just longhand note-taking. As Pam A. Mueller said in the essay “Take Notes by Hand for Better Long-Term Comprehension” However “The researchers also found that longhand note takers still beat laptop note takers” Another great tip is to review the handwritten notes every day this helps most students in college remember more of the notes. There's more responsibility in college than High School, college students have the responsibility of homework or studying for a test and also reading. They really don't have time to go out and party with friends like most wound think. Making a planner helps Students get better to organize for

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