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Support Effective Working Relationships

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In order for an individual to receive effective support and achieve positive outcomes they should have effective working relationships- more than often a support worker will have the most beneficial working relationship, as they offer domestic, financial, emotional and social aspects of support and can often (from being around the individual) identify signs of relapse as they are around to monitor their wellbeing. It is even more beneficial if the support worker can work alongside the family to assist with having better formed relationships - many of our citizens' family relationships have broken down since they have ill mental health, so the support worker can assist with understanding when building and maintaining that relationship. A support …show more content…
This has helped in own area of work where a family want to take a citizen out for the day and night but are not sure on how they will cope as it has been a long period of time since they have been together for the whole day, I was able to help the family to organise for the citizen staying overnight, this not only included sorting medication and finances but also it meant preparing the family with the citizens regular routine and triggers for their mental health so the family could feel supported they had our on call number in case they needed extra support or advice. This is an example of effective working relationships with those who are close with the citizens as they tend to take great interest in their families and is a big influence into their recovery and progression in the community; therefore I like to think if it is important to the citizen it should be important to the support worker to ensure there is a professional working

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