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Surface Culture

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Contrast the surface culture of your most recent educational experience with that of your current school. Previous to coming to the University of Oklahoma (OU) I attended a local community college, just five miles from my home. For me a few of the surface culture differences is in the attendance required at the community college for on line classes compared to the completely on line functions of OU. Another surface culture aspect that I found a noticeable variance was in the increased amount of writing at OU compared to the community college. Although both educational facilities provided online courses I had to take onsite tests along with in person instructor meetings at the community college. Currently I am proceeding through my OU experience …show more content…
I find it humorous that after months of being at OU I still have trepidation about my degree path. I weekly go through my long-term educational plan and review it for any errors or oversights. I have a fear of missing a needed course that would result in overloading me for a semester or postpone my gradation date. I have been diligent to have an actual written plan, including course with dates, but I still have discomfort that arises at the oddest hours. To help subside my inclination to panic I keep in contact with my advisor so that should I have an error she can guide me in a proactive manner. Thinking about how this one custom has found an elevated status in my educational journey is not really a surprise, but is the most uncomfortable aspect. I tend to be an organized, with an enormous love for lists. However, this quirk still does not subside the nagging thought that I have forgotten something important. I am certain this fear stems from the fact I inadvertently took the same class twice, as it was named differently between the two colleges. Luckily, I had a moment of clarity when I was reading the assigned pages for the first assignment. I quickly realized the material was redundant. I pulled out my transcript to find I had taken the same course number- with different, but similar …show more content…
However, in reflecting on the difference between my community college days and my time at OU I have found a deeper sense of accomplishment based upon my personal passion to succeed at OU. I have come to the conclusion that my prior educational experience still harbored more high school mannerisms by the educators, in the area of being deeply involved in motivating students to complete tasks. I am a huge fan of motivating others but even at the community college level I felt some students displayed the need to be mothered where they needed to take more responsibility for their life and actions. I do commend the educators for stepping in and helping everyone wherever they were in the personal growth. I can see that this might be time consuming and a bit frustrating. One of many reason I highly esteem educators at any level. I try to operate with high personal motivation, but I would be remised if I did not say that I do thrive on compliments and accolades. I am human and I do like to feel noticed and appreciated.
Which of the eight expectations of college educators do you think is the most important one for you to fulfill, and why? Educators expect students to collaborate with peers and make use of available help to achieve academic

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