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Susan Sontag

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On Photography: Agree to Disagree Photography has become a big part of everyday life. Susan Sontag, who was a famous American writer, teacher, filmmaker, and political activist, had a negative look on photography and what it means to us. To be honest I see where she is coming from. Nowadays you see people taking selfies, pictures of funny moments, or just something that doesn’t seem to have much meaning. But to a certain person, that one photo could hold so much more than just sentimental value than what we see from an unknowing and non-understanding mind. “Strictly speaking, one never understands anything from a photograph. Of course, photographs fill in blanks in our mental pictures of the present and past…” wrote Sontag in a claim on her opinion of the concept of photography. She then continued with, …show more content…
Think of a picture of small girl who is standing in front of large crowd beaming with joy and is being rewarded for being an outstanding musician. You see her accomplishment and that’s it. The bigger question is do you know all the things she went through to get to this point? You don’t see all of the hard work, sweat, practice, tears, let-downs, or moments of doubt. “Needing to have reality confirmed and experience enhanced by photographs is an aesthetic consumerism to which everyone is now addicted.” wrote Sontag. She’s saying that for us to be able to remember a moment we, “image junkies,” just have to

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