...The Relevance of Sustainability in Marketing Decision Making Introduction Sustainable marketing calls for socially and environmentally responsible actions that meet the present needs of consumers and businesses while preserving and enhancing the ability of future generations to meet their needs (Kotler & Armstrong 2012, p. 582). The aim of sustainable marketing is to satisfy the customer’s the needs and wants while also putting high emphasis on the environment and the social issues and thus creating profits in a socially responible way. Mention triple bottom line While traditional marketing is a process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. (Kotler & Armstrong 2012, p. 5) This essay has been prepared to identify and understand the role of sustainabilty in marketing decision making and its impacts affecting current and future business operations. 1.1. Research Methods Data was collected based on qualitative research. Books, internet and online journals were used to identify different roles of sustainability in marketing. Sustainibilty of marketing by itself is a vast area for study, hence this paper will only focus and critically analysis some of the key aspects of s.m. The topics explored in this research are I. Role of sustainability in marketing II. 1. Sustainable Marketing practices adressing the triple bottom line. Sustainable marketing...
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...Murdoch Business School Working Papers Factors Affecting the GRI Disclosures in the Annual Reports of Australian State Government Departments Dr Maria Mucciarone Murdoch Business School Professor Greg Tower - Curtin University Professor Mike Garner - Salisbury University Working Paper No.3 February 2012 The views presented in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Murdoch Business School or Murdoch University. Working papers are considered draft publications for critical comments by colleagues and will generally be expected to be published elsewhere in a more polished form after a period of critical engagement and revision. Comments on this paper should be directed to the authors at m.mucciarone@murdoch.edu.au; Greg.Tower@cbs.curtin.edu.au; rmgarner@salisbury.edu.au © Copyright is held by the author(s) of each working paper: No part of this publication may be republished, reprinted or reproduced in any form without the permission of the paper’s author(s). National Library of Australia. ISSN: 1837-6371 Factors Affecting the GRI Disclosures in the Annual Reports of Australian State Government Departments Abstract Purpose: Growing concern over the environmental impact of climate change and carbon tax has increased demand for public disclosure on how government departments are fulfilling their social and environmental obligations. The purpose of this study is to identify what factors influence Australian State government...
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...Travelling textiles A sustainability roadmap of natural fibre garments May 2009 This report has been prepared by Emer Diviney and Serena Lillywhite at the Brotherhood of Laurence Sustainable Business Unit. Brotherhood of St Laurence 67 Brunswick Street Fitzroy Vic. 3065 ABN 24 603 467 024 Ph: (03) 9483 1183 www.bsl.org.au the HUB of responsible business practice in Australia is a project of St James Ethics Centre © St James Ethics Centre 2 Contents Acknowledgments Summary Introduction Key findings The way forward Recommendations Introduction Brotherhood of St Laurence Gorman Industries Understanding the clothing industry Corporate responsibility and “sustainability” Developing tools for responsible business practice Roadmap methodology How we went about it Who we spoke to Overview of the garment supply chain The clothing industry roadmap Key sustainability issues in the garment sector Case study: Gorman Who is Gorman? The Gorman roadmap: Merino Tee and Forest Dress Unpicking the garment roadmap Design and production management Wool and cotton cultivation Processing raw materials and yarn manufacturing Knitting and weaving Fabric processing Cut make and trim Retailing and wholesaling Consumer use Textile waste and disposal Freight Towards sustainable garments Garment industry drivers Sources of information the HUB of responsible business practice in Australia is a project of St James Ethics Centre ...
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...Company Report: Strategy Evaluation 8 February 2013 Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Industry: Banking and Financial Services in Australia 4 Overview 4 PESTLE 5 Porter’s Five Forces of Competition 6 Firm: Westpac 7 Overview 7 McKinsey’s 7 S Framework 7 Competition Analysis 11 Blue Ocean Analysis 13 SMSF and Strategy Recommendations 13 What is a SMSF? 13 Three tiers of Non-Customers 13 Strategic Canvas – SMSF 14 3 Keys to Success: Tagline, Focus and Differentiation 14 Option 1 14 VRIO 15 Option 2 15 VRIO 15 Appendix 17 Industry Analysis Charts 17 Porters 5 Forces Analysis Detail 20 Westpac Strategic Priorities 22 Material issues 23 Executive Summary Westpac Bank is Australia’s first Bank, founded in 1817 and is currently one of the “big four” group of lending banks in Australia. Listed on the stock exchange in 1970, Westpac has a history of acquisitions, notably the recent (2008) purchase of St George, which contributes 19% of Westpac’s Cash Earnings. Westpac has a market capitalisation of $76.5 billion in an industry with an overall value of $208.6 billion, or roughly 10% of Australia’s GDP. The financial services industry in Australia is an Oligopoly, with the big four banks accounting for over 80% of the market. A mature market, players are converging, and the industry is forecast to grow at around 8% year on year to 2018. Competition in this industry is fierce, though there is also speculation that there may be significant price signaling...
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...SUSTAINABILITY AT TELSTRA Bigger Picture 2014 Sustainability Report Sustainability at Telstra Contents CONTENTS About us Chairman and CEO message Sustainability scorecard Sustainability highlights Our approach Strategy infographic 03 04 05 06 07 08 Stakeholder engagement Key issues 09 10 11 Click on page links Transparency and accountability Bigger Picture 2014 Sustainability Report 2 Sustainability at Telstra About us ABOUT US Our business Telstra is Australia’s leading telecommunications and information services company, offering a full range of communications services and competing in all telecommunications markets. We employ close to 32,000 people directly, facilitate access to more than 1,900 points of presence across the globe and have one of Australia’s largest shareholder bases, with 1.4 million shareholders. We have a diverse range of customers, including consumers, small business, large enterprises and government organisations, and we strive to put them at the centre of everything we do. In Australia, our services are offered through 362 Telstrabranded retail stores, 90 Telstra Business Centres, 127 Telstra business and enterprise partners and are distributed by over 15,000 retail points of presence managed by our partners. In Australia we provide 16 million mobile services, 7.5 million fixed voice services and 3.7 million fixed data services. Telstra’s international businesses...
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...The Transformation Continues QANTAS SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW 2013 This page has been intentionally left blank TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction Governance − − − − Corporate Governance Business Resilience Group Security Group Risk and Audit 2 4 4 9 10 11 13 15 19 22 31 38 45 49 56 57 Stakeholder Engagement Financial Safety and Health Customer People Environment Procurement Community Measures Glossary The Group Strategy, supported by environment, procurement and community strategies, underpins the identification and reporting on material items. To support the Group’s core goal of delivering sustainable returns to shareholders, areas of focus are used to measure, monitor and report on the Group’s performance. Areas of focus and measures are reviewed and updated to ensure that they remain relevant. The Group Strategy drives sustainable outcomes Governance Corporate governance is core to ensuring the creation, protection and enhancement of shareholder value. Stakeholders We are committed to communicating effectively with our stakeholders. Financial Safety and Health To be recognised as the world’s leading airline group in air, ground and people safety and health. Customers Our Customers are the core of everything we do. The Group is continually striving towards providing exceptional customer experiences. Vision We strive to build a strong viable business capable of delivering sustainable returns...
Words: 27168 - Pages: 109
...evidence is selected, evaluated and organized into three key areas: the Carbon tax legislation represents a creation of a new social reality and the impact on sustainability in business. The carbon tax would be represented in the financial reports. To introduce the particular company and legislation impacts on that company. The Framework shows that the financial reporting is present relevant and reliable information. Some experts considered that the insufficient information on financial reporting impact on social reality. Thus, the Sustainability reporting occurs to fix up the fanatical reporting gaps. Introduction Financial reporting is both a reflection and creator of our perception of social reality and consistently evolving. Currently, accounting system is not only focus on the data of how much company earns, it also shift towards to social responsibility. As the dramatic of pollutions, especially that of the developing nations is extremely harmful not only to the surrounding environment, but also to the inhabitants of that country as well. Thus, financial reporting take concern on such problems and create out Sustainability reporting which help to reduce the pollutions. This essay is to discuss the both reflection and creator of financial reporting in reality social and the impact on sustainability in business. It will focus on how the carbon tax will help to reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. First, to introduce the background of financial reporting; and then...
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...Green Marketing Plan Mustafa Ahmed (21626669) Table of Contents Executive Summary..............................................................................................................1 Situation Analysis.................................................................................................................2 Industry Analysis..................................................................................................................4 Customer Analysis................................................................................................................5 Competitor Analysis..............................................................................................................7 Internal Analysis....................................................................................................................8 Objectives..............................................................................................................................9 Green Marketing Strategy......................................................................................................10 References..............................................................................................................................13 Executive Summary The purpose of this plan is to analyse the environmental efforts of the Nando’s Carnegie branch, and to develop strategies that propels them a step closer towards a more eco-friendly and sustainable future. Nando’s...
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...BILLITON International Business Theory & Practice (MGF 5966) Lecturer/Tutor Mr. Sharif Rasel Name & ID Junaidul Haque – 263 512 50 Dalaphone Phengrattanavong – 266 785 94 Girish Balar – 274 718 53 Maike Nan – 263 994 90 Due Date – Week 11 Introduction BHP Billiton, which is Broken Hill Proprietary Billiton, is an Anglo-Australian multinational mining and petroleum company. BHP started its operation in Melbourne in 1885 which is one of Australia’s largest and oldest companies, and it focused on development, discovery, production, and marketing of natural resources. In value-added flat steel products, BHP was also a market leader. In 1860, Billiton was established in The Hague, Netherlands. Billiton developed a growing and substantial copper portfolio. It was also a global leader in the metals and mining sector, and a major producer of aluminum and alumina, steaming coal, nickel, and titanium, chrome and manganese ores and alloys. BHP Ltd of Australia and Billion Plc of UK established merger in 2001, and the result was the dual listed company (DLC). BHP Billion becomes one of the world’s largest mining and Petroleum Company. It expands its business in twenty countries, and its major commodities are iron ore, metallurgical coal, energy coal, conventional and unconventional oil and gas, copper, aluminum, manganese, uranium, nickel, and silver. This essay will deeply analysis the effects of BHP Billiton’s sustainability practice on the ownership...
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...overview of companies reporting format and structure, CSR disclosing motivation, how well company account for job losses and impact of reduction of oil price on companies. The purpose of this report is to describe CSR practice of mining companies in Australia and highlights the importance of sustainability reports regarding social and environmental perspective. This report is based on two major mining companies namely BHP Billiton and Rio Tin. The information used for writing this article is gathered from different researcher, annual reports, newspapers, and online articles, GRI guideline. Only Secondary data used to write report and study based on ASX registered companies companies in Australia are more aware of GRI reporting standards now and also know that how crucial it is to report on the sustainability issues from social and environmental perspective to have long term business and secure future. . Contents Executive Summary i Contents ii Introduction 3 Question a 3 Question b 5 Question c 7 Question d 8 Question e 9 Conclusion 11 Reference List 12 Introduction Corporate social responsibility is a business approach which help companies to sustain improvement by providing social, environmental, and economic advantages to all kind of stakeholders. The biggest reason industries follow CSR is to clean environment and have a good...
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...|DETAILS OF ASSIGNMENT | | |STUDENT NAMES: |IDS: | |Adam Carlyon |9948252 | |UNIT CODE * NAME |LMC 501B | |ASSESSMENT TITLE |Assessment Task 2 – Case Study – Part 2 | |TUTOR’S NAME: |Terry Landells |DATE OF SUBMISSION: |22/04/2013 | | | | |DECLARATION | | |We declare that ( the first four boxes must be completed for the assignment to be accepted): | |□ This assignment does...
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...environmental management system (EMS). Then, Seetharaman et al. built an environmental accounting (EA) research model in manufacturing industry to determine and establish the monitoring and measurement in the environmental accounting system. In their first study, the findings of survey showed that there existed three main issues in the EMS, namely: - Lack of environmental awareness: 68% of companies underestimated their business impact to the environment. - Lack of perceived benefit: only 50% of companies believed that investment in environmental initiative would offer them some benefits. - Lack of government pressure In their second study, the EA research model provided the four main environmental parameters--air emission, water, land and noise pollutions, which can help to monitor and evaluate organization’s commitment to environmentally sustainable forms of business activity. Overall speaking, this journal article clarify that through reduction in cost, compliance with environmental legislation, and improving corporate image, etc., organization can developed sustainability via using environmental management system, and environmental accounting can underpin the system as it can track environmental performance of organizations’ in more measurable manner. However, there exist some limitations in the research report. Firstly, the journal article was released in Malaysia. The survey samples and research model were mainly based on Malaysian information and situation, which lack of representative...
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...Cocoa Delights Written statement describing organization (Step 1) As a marketing manager for Cocoa Delights, this is the organization develop written statement; “Cocoa Delights’ responsibility to continually improve all aspects in which we operate our business no matter in term of our products and services provide, but also environment, social and economic sustainability. Our vision is put into action through programs and a focus on environmental stewardship, activities that benefit society and a commitment to build shareholder value by making Cocoa Delights a truly sustainable company and offering meaningful value to our customers. In addition, we will shift from local suppliers of services to national ones. We are creating better tomorrow.” Brief written summary of the meeting with your CEO In 2016, Cocoa Delights become a significant retail presence in stores Australia wide. Now, governments push the business to focus on the issue of sustainability, particularly on environmental issues of waste management and energy conservation. Therefore, we need to innovate some ideas and plan to handle with this. We need to keep providing customers with what they want and in sustainable aspect. Cocoa Delights is proud to be Australian made so we are practicing as the government prefer. However, we need to change our focus from local suppliers of services to national ones, and to think about opportunities to save money by gaining a wider geographic benefit and choosing media with...
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...Australian Food and Grocery Council SUSTAINABILITY COMMITMENT CASE STUDY COCA COLA AMATIL – PACKAGING & RECYCLING Coca-Cola Amatil (CCA) is one of Australia's largest premium branded beverage and food companies. CCA is committed to conduct business in ways that protect and preserve the environment and to integrate principles of environmental stewardship and sustainable development into business decisions and processes. In 2011, CCA continued the $450 million Group-wide rollout of 'blowfill', or PET bottle selfmanufacture technology, with three additional lines commissioned in Australia. „Blowfill‟ has enabled CCA to design new lightweight primary and secondary packaging, PET bottles, and has enabled the saving of thousands of tonnes of raw materials. CCA‟s Mount Franklin Easy-Crush Bottle went into the market in 2011as the lightest weight Australian-produced 600mL water bottle made with 35 percent less PET plastic and a carbon footprint that is 27% less than the previous Mount Franklin bottle. The Mount Franklin Easy-Crush Bottle is 100 per cent recyclable and easily crushed when empty, making it easier to be recycled. This innovation was awarded Gold in the Australian Packaging Covenant Sustainability Award category of the 2011 Australian Packaging Design Awards. 'Blowfill' technology, along with CCA‟s investment in technology to manufacture the PET preforms and caps used in bottle manufacture, has enabled the company to lightweight its entire small carbonated soft drink...
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...2013 ANNUAL REVIEW AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT THE STRENGTH WE’VE BUILT TODAY… STRENGTH RETURN GROWTH PRODUCTIVITY HELPING US LEAD TOMORROW. Since our inception in 1817 we’ve built a legacy of leadership. In a young colony, through a great depression, through boom years, through a global financial crisis and in the development of a portfolio of businesses, Westpac has a history of looking ahead with a long-term view. This year we have made significant progress in implementing a strategy that is delivering better returns today, and building a sustainable business for the future. It is the strength we’ve built into our business today, with sector leading capital, a robust funding and liquidity position, and superior asset quality, that is helping us lead tomorrow. As a result we can respond to opportunities as they emerge and invest to transform the organisation. We’ve been proudly supporting Australia, New Zealand and our region for almost two centuries and we’re singularly focused on continuing our support as we approach our third century. We believe in these countries, in their people and in their businesses and their potential to prosper and grow. Our strong position today means we are more capable than ever of helping to realise this potential. And we are more dedicated than ever to play a role in leading tomorrow. …IS Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 2013 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS CASH EARNINGS ($m)1,2 REPORTED RESULTS ($m)3 COMMON EQUITY TIER...
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