Premium Essay

Sustainable Programme in Coca-Cola


Submitted By ilhomkasymov05
Words 3098
Pages 13
* Acknowledgement
I obliged to our deepest gratitude and gratitude to lecturer Kantharow A/L Apparavu for giving me work on this assignment and his support, of this module of Managing the Sustainable Business.
Not only that, I would also like to acknowledge APU for me the opportunity so I can work on this module and understand it. * Executive Summary
This assignment is about on the sustainability program of Coca Cola Company. These assignments based on the challenges and success stories of Coca Cola Company to sustain in the market and be successful in the future.
Firstly, I want to introduce the Coca Cola Company and what they do in the market.
Secondly, I want to write about the objectives of the Sustainability program of Coca Cola Company. Thirdly, I want to write about Success and Challenges of the Sustainability Initiatives of Coca Cola Company.
Fourthly, I want to write about recommendations that I can advise to the Coca Cola Company.

1 Table of Contents
Acknowledgement 1
Executive Summary 1
2 3
1 Introduction 3 1.2 General growth strategy of Coca Cola Company 3 1.3 Scope of the study 4 1.4 Mission and Vision of Coca Cola Company 4 1.5 Mission 4 1.6 Sustainable vision 4 1.7 Trend Analysis of Coca Cola 5
2 Objectives of the Sustainability Program 6 2.1 Water Efficiency 8 2.2 Wellbeing 9 2.3 Energy and Climate Change 10 2.4 Agriculture 10
3 Quality Standard 11
4 Success and Challenges Story of Coca Cola Sustainability Program 11 4.1 Calorie commitments 12 4.2 Resource Scarcity 12 4.3 Coca-Cola in India 13
5 Improvement of the Business Sustainability Program 14 5.1 Growth and Differentiation 14 5.2 Advocacy and leadership 15 5.3 Technology and innovation 15
6 Recommendations 15
7 Conclusion 16
8 References 16

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1 Introduction

Figure 1 Coca Cola Company

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