...Heritage Assessment Culture and diversity is something we cannot avoid in the busy life of society and therefore it has become very important and imminent that we grasp what we can and respect as much as we can back to the community and the patients we see. America has become a melting pot and it has become highly unlikely not to meet anyone with a different culture, religion or ethnicity. In this paper we will discuss the aspects of health maintenance, protection and restoration after assessing three different people from three very different backgrounds. The first family interviewed and assessed was Tina Ouraie from Iran. Tina was 18 when she moved to America with her parents and still speaks Farsi, which is her mother tongue. Tina has continued to celebrate and practice her native festivities along with cooking Persian food. Tina states she has a deep love for her country and the very rich culture, which is over 3000 years old, “ I can not imagine being born in any other country”. Tina states that the health practices in Iran are not very much different than America; “we have big hospitals but also small clinics, it is easy to get an appointment and the doctors are very intelligent if not more so than America”. Second family was Adeel from India. India has been known to practice medicine for a very long time and mostly by herbs and spices until the western medicine took over. Adeel reports that he has been in America for 8 years and is now in medical school, which has...
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...for the organisation success, especially for firms that operate with subsidiaries in other countries. However, it is imperative to understand the diverse culture in an efficient way of cross-cultural communication to achieve the firm success (Bennis & Nannis, 1985; Erez, 1992; Chaney & Martin, 2011). More importantly, managers have the ability to understand the reasons at the back of action of business partners and attempt to point out ways to adjust the communication in an efficient manner. As stated by Hofstede (1997, p.4), culture is a mindset that influences directly the people’s way of behaviour and thinking. Business Case The present report critically analyse the real business situations of how international clients behave, in this case the behaviour of Swedish and Chinese staff. The scenario in this case is to identify the misunderstandings between the participants involved regarding their business, intercultural and communication strategies. In addition, the report will also explore several ways to which these strategies can be enhanced to promote efficient intercultural business communication between the participants. A Swedish company who has a supplier globally and the case analyses how Sweden business communication with Chinese suppliers created misunderstanding and their role of culture. Generally, Sweden firms have implemented the...
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...the customers, IKEA buy items in unpackaged, ships and stores matters unassembled using smooth packaging and customers assembled those a lot of items in their houses. IKEA was founded in 1943 in Sweden by Ingyar Kamprad (refernceforbusiness, 2015). In 1958, the first store of IKEA was founded in Sweden. After that IKEA extended to Scandinavian countries. Firstly, IKEA stores in Norway and Demark were opened which are the neighborhood countries and then IKEA started open their stores in Switzerland in 1973 and Germany in 1974 (Loeb, 2012). The first store in the United States was opened in Philadelphia (1985). The first store that IKEA faced problems is in Japan because of their culture differences, lifestyles and practices (Chaletanone and Cheancharadpong, 2008). Since IKEA entered into the country that has culture difference in social organizations, there will be numerous influences on organizational efficiency. Nowadays, many international organizations from around the world are consisted of varied groups of people from different cultures, gender, ethic and values. Many other international institutes have been established that they got more profit when they applied cross-culture workforce. There are a lot of difficulties for the organization when they apply cross-culture, language is one...
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...Commerce Best Business Research Papers Bachelor of Commerce Best Business Research Papers Volume 1, September 2008 Table of Contents NOTE FROM THE EDITOR Anthony Goerzen 1 THE DUTCH BUSINESS SYSTEM IN TRANSITION: AN APPLICATION OF WHITLEY’S BUSINESS SYSTEMS APPROACH FOR THE USE OF EXECUTIVES, MANAGERS, AND POLICY MAKERS Eric Brewis 2 SWENSEN’S MUST ENGAGE IN MARKET PENETRATION AND DIVERSIFICATION TO RETAIN ITS LEADING POSITION IN THE THAILAND MARKET Kailee Douglas 13 DISNEYLAND PARIS: EUROPEANIZING A RESORT Amanda Louie 22 IKEA: A STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS Garret Luu 31 COMPULSORY LICENSING IN THAILAND Simran Mann 38 CHANGING POVERTY AND INEQUITY THROUGH BUSINESS Matthew R. Tanner 47 SWEDEN IS A NESTING GROUND FOR YOUNG START-UP ENTREPRENEURS James Whyte 56 Note from the Editor In business today, “globalization” is a key concept with the firms across nations intertwined as never before. With overseas customers, suppliers, operations, and competitors, today’s managers need an international outlook. Therefore, the mission of the University of Victoria’s Bachelor of Commerce program is to give students the essential knowledge and skills they need to be effective and successful managers in the global economy. At UVic Business, we ensure that our students develop an international perspective through direct experience with issues in management and organization. In fact, UVic Business has one of the largest international...
Words: 31372 - Pages: 126
...Leadership in Foreign Subsidiaries Abstract Background In 1993 the Swedish stock exchange opened up for foreign buyers. Since then, more and more Swedish companies have become foreign owned, which in turn means that more and more employees are getting foreign employers. The ongoing globalization process is indicating this trend will continue. The question is if the foreign investor will prioritize development in Sweden or if the research and development departments will be moved out from Sweden. A common effect of foreign acquisitions of Swedish companies has been the move of head offices out from Sweden, which can cause Sweden to lose competences in how to lead a large organization. Moreover, most foreign owned companies are controlled by a foreign com-pany or investor from any of the countries Norway, the USA, United Kingdom or Denmark. Purpose The purpose of this study is, from a management perspective, to investigate and discuss if and how a manager’s role and leadership style is influenced by having a foreign owner. As a part of the discussion the study will also examine which impact a foreign owner has on a Swedish subsidiary accord-ing to its leader. Method To accomplish the purpose of the study a qualitative approach has been applied. Telephone interviews of a semi structured character have been conducted with six managers with leading positions within middle-sized and large-sized companies. Conclusion Foreign owned subsidiaries tend...
Words: 43294 - Pages: 174
...Table of contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Research and findings 3 2.1 Government 3 2.2 Political Economic System 5 2.3 Employment laws and regulations 5 2.4 Economy 7 2.5 National Culture and Hierarchy 9 2.5.1 Hofstede’s dimensions 9 3. Analysis 12 3.1 Government 12 3.2 Political Economic System 13 3.3 Employment law and regulations 14 3.4 Economy 14 3.5 National Culture and hierarchy 15 4. Conclusion 17 References 18 1. Introduction The Kingdom of Sweden; IKEA, VOLVO, forests, lakes, snow, democracy, how is it up there? We all know about how well IKEA is doing, and we all know about Zlatan and Abba… but how do we become equally successful? The demands on Human Resource Management is currently increasing as it has been widely discovered and discussed that it directly affects the economic growth. What do we have to think about when we develop our HR department? In this paper we will analyze the institutional context of Sweden and evaluate what impact they have on the decision making of Human Resource management. As students of Economics and Business it is a vital part of our education to go in depth to actually understand and be able to adapt our theoretical skills in a new country. To do this we will consider the government aspect, with political system and political landscape included and its affect in the context of people management practices. Subsequently, the political economic system and its impact will be reviewed, looking at aspects such as welfare...
Words: 7654 - Pages: 31
...problem begetting more problems? The United Kingdom is in the process of determining if and how to update or change its current laws regarding prostitution. In the midst of this determination, questions abound. Prostitution is no easy matter. In the age of women’s rights and the women’s movement, prostitution is a dividing factor. On the one end, it is the epitome of patriarchal abuse throughout centuries and perfected in our culture today. On the other end, it is a form of empowerment. And in between is the common person with his or her own take on prostitution as either abuse, a profession, or something a little of both. Alongside this culture of moral, cultural and legal uncertainty and to confound the problem is prostitution’s purported connection to international human trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation. Therefore, on the one hand, prostitution’s reason for being illegal due to immorality may be obsolete, but should it remain somewhat illegal or banned altogether because it is linked to another crime that transcends borders and cultures? The following is a discussion on the same, and in the end, it is hoped that some clarity may be revealed from a puddle of obscurity. First, a brief introduction will be given about prostitution and human trafficking. Second, the laws of the United Kingdom and international law will be reviewed and analyzed. Third, a comparative review of current legal systems and how they address prostitution and the effects of each of them...
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...INTRODUCTION The reason behind choosing the IKEA is because IKEA is one of the world’s most successful retailers. IKEA is a global furniture brand inspired by the egalitarian society of its Swedish heritage and appears to the public to be forever Swedish. It expands its retail stores all over the world including North American, European Middle East and Asian countries but also spreads a kind of its own a highly strong business culture and values with a strong Swedish image to other countries through the establishment of business there. History: IKEA was founded in 1943 in Sweden by Ingvar Kamprad. Kamprad was born in 1926 as the son of a farmer in Småland, a region in southern Sweden. At the age of five Ingvar Kamprad starts selling matches to his nearby neighbors and by the time he is seven, he expands to selling flower seeds, greeting cards, Christmas tree decorations, pencils and ball-point pens. In 1943, at the age of 17, Kamprad became an entrepreneur and created a commercial company called "IKEA." The word IKEA was an acronym of his name and “Ingvar Kamprad” and the address, the name of his farm and village: “Elmtaryd, Agunnaryd”. Company initially sold fish, vegetable seeds, and magazines to customers in his region. Then in 1950 IKEA added furniture and home furnishings to the product line. IKEA entered new markets around the globe in the 1980s. IKEA expands dramatically into new markets such as USA, Italy, France and the UK. Operating Environment: Ikea is the world's...
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...Chapter 2 Worldwide accounting diversity Chapter Outline I. Considerable differences exist across countries in the accounting treatment of many items. These differences can result in significantly different amounts being reported in the financial statements prepared by companies using different GAAP. II. A variety of factors influence a country’s accounting system. A. Legal system – in code law countries, accounting rules tend to be legislated; common law countries tend to have a non-legislative organization that develops accounting standards. B. Taxation – financial statements serve as the basis for taxation in many countries. In those countries with a close linkage between accounting and taxation, accounting practice tends to be more conservative so as to reduce the amount of income subject to taxation. C. Providers of financing – in those countries in which family members, banks, and the government are the major providers of business finance, there tends to be less demand for public accountability and information disclosure. In countries where shareholders are a major provider of financing, the demand for information made available outside the company becomes greater. D. Inflation – countries with chronic high inflation adopt accounting principles in which traditional historical cost accounting is abandoned in favor of inflation adjusted figures. E. Political and economic ties – through previous colonization, a British style of accounting...
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...Alcohol- The Alcohol policy in Sweden differs from other EU States. How got it around to it? Is it a model for the future or will it change due to the European policy? Written by: Linda Meier zu Heringen, Supervisor: Ingemar Ottosson Due: 17th May, 2013 1. Introduction While reading various travel guides for the preparation of a stay in Sweden the section of the alcoholic drinks in food and beverage has drawn special attention. It says that the tax for alcohol is quite high and the drinks can only be bought, when above an alcohol percentage of 3.5%, at the government owned stores – the Systembolaged. In this Essay the reasons for the alcohol policy in Sweden will be defined with a sort insight in the history of the alcohol policy in Sweden and the problems with it. Subsequently the rules and regulations from today will be pointed out as well as alcohol consumption nowadays. Further the problems with the EU will be descript and a possible solution given 2. The History of Alcohol in Sweden Sweden is located in the vodka belt from the countries of Europe and Asia, where a great deal of vodka is produced and consumed. The vodka countries have a long tradition of the production of a large share of vodka consumed in the world, as Sweden is famous for their brand Absolut. Also 70% of the produced vodka is used by these countries. The use of Alcohol in Sweden dates back to at least the Viking Age. The reason for the people to drink at that time might be the long cold...
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...print GBE Project Report Analysis of the Sweden Newsprint Industry SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY: Prof. Pradip Chakrabarty Rashi Singh (053033) SWEDEN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Political Environment: * Form of government: Constitutional monarchy; Capital: Stockholm * The constitution, dating from 1809 and revised in 1975, is based on the following four fundamental laws: the Instrument of Government, the Act of Succession, the Freedom of the Press Act, and the Riksdag (Parliament) Act. * The reigning monarch is the head of state but exerts no political power; the responsibilities of the monarch are ceremonial only. * The Riksdag, a unicameral parliament elected by the people for four-year terms, is the foundation for the democratic exercise of power through the cabinet. The prime minister is nominated by the speaker of the Riksdag after consultations with party leaders and must be approved for office through a vote of the Riksdag. * Ordinary general elections to the Swedish Parliament are held every fourth year. A party must receive at least 4% of the votes in the entire country or 12% in a single electoral district to qualify for any seats in Parliament. * Prominent parties include three non-socialist parties, the Alliance—the Moderate Party (formerly the Conservative Party), the Centre Party, and the Liberal Party—and two socialist parties, the Red-Greens—the Swedish Social Democratic Workers’ Party (SAP; commonly called the Social Democratic...
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...economic development and globalization, an increasing number of firms extend their businesses abroad. A subsequent challenge of this development is the managerial implications of cross-cultural management. This study employs a qualitative approach in a single case study of Swedish company and its subsidiary in China. After reviewing the previous studies, the authors summarize the differences of management style, staff behaviors and communication system in different culture context and find the barriers of cross cultural communication in multinational firms. The findings of this study indicate that the barriers of communication come from the national culture’s influence on the work place and behaviors of people with different identity. Moreover, culture also influences people’s way of thinking and behaving and result in different understandings toward vision and purposes of firms. Key words: cross cultural, communication, multinational firms, management style, staff behavior Prelude It is 9:00 a.m. on Monday in Sweden. The Technical product manager of company X sent an email about the new design of the product to its subsidiary company in China. He would like to have a production ready model of the new design by Friday when he flies to China. An email came on Thursday saying that there was a 1mm error of the product they made and asked the manager what they should do. The product manager finds himself confused: “Do they need to ask such a question? They could simply adjust the...
Words: 11977 - Pages: 48
... 4. Threat of Potential Entrants 10 5. Threat of Substitutes 10 II/ APPLICATION OF SEVERAL MICRO ECONOMIC CONCEPTS 11 Part 2: The macroeconomic environment of IKEA: 15 I/ KEY POINTS OF SWEDEN ECONOMY 15 II/ ANALYSIS OF THE MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES 16 III/ SWEDEN ECONOMY NOWADAYS AFTER CRISIS 19 Part 3: Macroeconomics of competitiveness 19 I/ THE DIAMOND MODEL 19 II/THE CLUSTER ANALYSIS: 24 ABSTRACT Sweden is a country in northern Europe as part of Scandinavia, considered that is the most populous of the Nordic countries. It is separated from Norway to the west by a mountain, and it shares with Finland Gulf of Bothnia, northern Baltic Sea. Sweden is...
Words: 6988 - Pages: 28
...Changes in the coffee culture - opportunities for multinationals coffee shops? C-uppsats i Företagsekonomi, Företagsekonomi 51-60 p Slutseminarium: 2007-06-07 Författare: Almqvist Emma Hruzova Barbara Olsson Kajsa Handledare: Max Lundberg Preface and acknowledgement We would like to thank our tutor Max Lundberg at the section of business and engineering at the University of Halmstad for his support and comments throughout the dissertation. We would also like to thank the personnel, managers and the barista for their answers to our questions. Finally we would like to thank the opponent group for their valuable criticism we would also like to take a moment and express our gratitude to the free software Skype that has enabled us to stay in touch despite the long distance between us. Målilla, Düsseldorf, Helsingborg 2007-05-28 Emma Almqvist Barbara Hruzova Kajsa Olsson Abstract The Swedish coffee culture is changing and bringing new business opportunities for multinational coffee shops. Our purpose with this dissertation was to describe the Swedish coffee culture and its changes. We wanted to increase our knowledge about how these changes can make Sweden a more attractive country for coffee shops, like Starbucks, wanting to establish in Sweden. We choose to use a qualitative method with an abductive approach. To gather the primary data we interviewed one barista and sent questionnaires to staff at different big coffee shops in Sweden. The interview questions...
Words: 17279 - Pages: 70