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Switches, Routers and Gateways


Submitted By DMWENGID
Words 638
Pages 3
Switches, Routers and Gateways


A switch is a multi-port bridge that evaluates the destination MAC address and submits it to the applicable port for a specific computer. It serves to manage information packets along a direction and assumes the role of a router. However, a switch is faster than a router because it does not store information about networks. Switches minimize data overflow by segmenting collision domains especially when the LANs are busy (Bachmutsky, 2013). They also ensure frames are not exploited by computers using the same segment.
Routers describe a device that choses the destination of data packet that involves a minimum of two networks. A router establishes and tracks routes given their state. To determine the appropriate route for specific data packet, a router will retrieve the history of the routes and combine them with cost and distance algorithms. Router and networks act as medium for data packets before reaching their target. Using a single IP address, they use Network Address Translation (NAT) combined with IP subterfuge to supply the internet to numerous nodes in the LAN (Briere Hurley & Ferris, 2013). With recent developments, routers can connect to computers directly using switch or hub technology. Route tables enable routers collect network addresses and direct data packets to the suitable port.
Gateways refer to the collaboration of software and hardware to connect various types of networks. The devices use a complex framework whereby specific software is required to link and decipher information between different protocols of networks that involve an operational computer. Majority of gateways operate at the application layer but can be found at the network layer and beyond. Gateways are used to convert different protocols. Generally speaking, a gateway functions in sessions, application and

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