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Swot Analysis of South Korea Market


Submitted By saiyadirfan1
Words 294
Pages 2

1. South Korea has a very high economic freedom. South Korea economic freedom score is 71.2 which makes its economy goes to the top 31st free economy in 2014. South Korea has improved on 0.9 point higher than last year due to their financial freedom and monetary freedom outweighing modest declines in business freedom, labor freedom, and fiscal freedom. South Korea is ranked 8th out of 42 countries in the Asia–Pacific region.

2. South Korea is moderately free of corruption. This makes South Korea a very clean place to conduct business where everything is fair towards the people which make it a very good place to conduct business if compare to country which has higher corruption rate. The Corruption Perception Index of South Korea is 5.60 out of 10; while countries in Asia score only 3.60 out of 10 and other all country corruption is 3.70 out of 10. This makes South Korea corruption level is lower than the other countries. It makes South Korea slightly better than the rest. Besides that, the Bribe Payer Index (BPI) of South Korea is quite high as it has score on 7.90 out of 10. This means that companies from South Korea are perceived as unlikely to engage bribery.

3. South Korea has a lot well educated labor which makes it easier to higher more labor to help them on their company. This is because South Korea has a very high education level.

4. The outbound travel market of South Korea is booming

5. Efficient in regulatory. In South Korea, you will only need 5 procedures and no minimal capital is needed to start a business. Which makes the people there can start a business whenever they

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