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Synthesis Essay On Native American History

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Many Americans are unaware of the past that this nation was built upon. History was changed, never taught, and hardly spoken about our education system. It's no secret what our nation was built on, slavery and bloodshed, but one of the main components sacrificed for our nation is hardly spoken about or referenced in that matter. Through the centuries our nation has entangled itself into a tree of darkness and evil. Attempts to cover up the light, forcing the people into the dark abyss. They have covered up or attempted to cover up, uneducated, and even misguided millions about our history. As the years pass, more and more has been uncovered bringing the true evil back to the surface so it can be diminished. Through slavery, genocide, and raping …show more content…
Some scholars and historians believe that the number was as low as 10 million up to 100 million and even after that. A thriving society that wasn’t fueled by religion or currency. There were multiple ways that this society got wiped out by the strange white man. From dieses to flat out massacres, it was a bloody and brutal moment in our country’s history that even dates back before we formed this nation. This nation built on the graves of innocent women and children. Today it doesn't affect us, you me us everyone, no one bats an eye at this horrific moment. There have been countless massacres committed by us, on of the deadliest was called ‘Bear River Massacre’ is occurring during the civil war. Mormon settlers had been steadily taking more land from the Native Americans. Striking back at the thieves invading their land, the Shoshone soon saw first hand how savage the white man can truly be. Caught in the crosshairs of Colonel Patrick Connor accompanied by 200 California Volunteers, vowing to take no prisoners. The soldiers attacked at daybreak on January 29, 1863, brutally killing nearly 250 Native Americans. They raped any women who hadn’t been killed, set fire to their homes and crushed the skulls of the wood end men, women and children. This was just one of many and many more was to

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