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Submitted By ArabaEssandoh
Words 402
Pages 2
Midland savings and loans (MSL) as a financial institution currently has a quality control unit in place that doubles as a service desk. The unit only under takes out bound calls and does not have a service desk monitoring application that allows one to track and actually see progress on outstanding issues. Users often leave situations to escalate due to the absence of a structured system in place which assigns and escalates issues to the appropriate quarters.

This paper seeks to propose a lasting solution to the challenge the absence of the service desk poses to MSL.
There is a need to introduce a service desk management application.
A service desk seeks to facilitate the integration of business processes into the service management infrastructure. In addition to actively monitoring and owning Incidents and user questions, this also provides an interface for other activities such as customer change requests, information delivery and a platform to receive feedback from users.
Something that is not always recognized is that having ITIL processes is a requirement for an effective service desk.
Help desks can contribute to improve the quality of a company's products or services. When customers call a help desk, specialists typically fill out problem reports describing the call. MSL can use software to tabulate and track these reports from initiation to resolution. Solutions architects can review these problem reports to implement improvements. If several customers call with the same problem, the help desk might alert quality control and possibly senior management so that the company can fix the problem quickly.
A service desk portal containing a ticket logging function , ticket assignments ,monitoring performance indicators of staff and their resolution times and structures that enables accountabilities in the support deliveries of MSL. Information is also received about the performance of service management processes performed by the IT function. Reports of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be used to show which processes are working well and those that may need additional resources in order to be more effective.
Introduction of a service desk will ensure that there is clear accountability and that roles are defined so as to carry out the practice of service operation. This will require a service desk analyst, whose primary role is to provide first level support through taking calls and handling the resulting incidents or service requests, using the incident management and request fulfillment processes, in line with service desk objectives

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