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TPB: The Theory Of Planned Behaviour

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There are plenty of studies exploring the relationship between TPB (The theory of planned behaviour). Across studies, alcohol-drinking intentions has been found to have a strong positive relationship linked to participants’ attitudes, subjective norms, PBC (Perceived behavioural control), SE (Self-efficacy) and alcohol consumption. In other words, the Theory of Planned Behaviour is an effective tool being used to predict alcohol consumption. Thus, it might be able to reduce alcohol consumption or binge-drinking if the process of planned behaviour has changed. Anderson et al.’s (2009) review found that regulating advertising, availability of alcohol, enforcing minimum pricing and raising prices can reduce harm. Nevertheless, numerous research …show more content…
Alcohol consumption may lead to harm from both chronic intake and acute intake. More specifically, alcohol consumption is linked to hydration, nausea and hangover in the short-term. In the long-term, alcohol consumption is linked to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, pancreatitis, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke, breast cancer as well as bowel cancer and irritable bowel syndrome. British Liver Trust association (2009) stated that liver disease is a harm associated with chronic intake and is the fifth largest cause of death in the UK which kills more than 15,000 people a year. Moreover, alcohol consumption is linked to anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and self-harm, and even psychosis (at very high levels of alcohol consumption). The British Crime Survey (Home office, 2009) found that 76,000 facial injuries each year were linked to drunken violence. Thus, it is crucial for the UK government to propose an effective strategy to control binge-drinking to prevent further harm. Cooke et al. (2007) found that anticipated regret (believing you will regret the consequences of binge-drinking) was the strongest predictor of intentions to reduce binge-drinking. Thus, I developed an experimental study which include used the knowledge of drinking guidelines as an interference to see its influence. It might be a useful evidence suggesting that the UK government should realize the importance of educating people alcohol-drinking guidelines if participants’ alcohol consumption decrease after being educated the knowledge of

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