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Resveratrol Research Paper

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What Is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is loaded with antioxidant properties that can help neutralise free radicals that are said to be the cause of ageing. Resveratrol comes from a natural compound found in red grape skin. Resveratrol can also be found in peanuts, berries and other sources. It belongs to a group of plant compounds known as polyphenols. Polyphenols helps protect the body by lowering the risk of cancer and cardiac diseases. Resveratrol is also a phytoalexin, it acts as antibiotic produced in plants under stress, in cases such as fungal attack, ultraviolet irradiation, or inflammation. The molecule present aids the plant to fight back and maintain good health.

Why are Antioxidants Important?

Antioxidants are the real deal when you want to slow the so called ageing and stay as young-looking as possible. It can exceptionally help to repair the damage caused by free radicals. Our body is continuously replacing and repairing the damages caused by free radicals. However, the reason why we are bombarded with free radicals is the way we …show more content…
Drinking red wine everyday in moderate amounts can help prevent coronary heart disease.
It slows down or may prevent the progression of atherosclerosis.
Reduces the risk of kidney stone formation.
It fabricates anticlotting action.
It can decrease the damaging effect of smoking to the endothelium.
It prevents cancer cell maturation and proliferation through the release of apoptosis (programmed cell death).
Decrease risk of Alzheimer’s Disease by preventing plaque formation.
Prevents Diabetes Mellitus.
Protects against obesity and ageing effects.
Helps reduce stress.
However, not everyone drinks alcohol and you can actually get more resveratrol from a good quality supplement such as the Perfect Resgrape (700 times the amount of resveratrol than wine in fact - so I know which one I’d choose).

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