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The Minister's Black Veil Analysis

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The Black Veil
The Minister’s Black Veil is writing by Nathaniel Hawthorne it talks about a man by the name of Mr. Hooper, the story takes place in a town by the name in a small Puritan town in Milford, Connecticut based in the 1600s of a Minister who wears the Black veil everywhere he goes, it’s a symbol and also a secret that many are concerned about. In the story Mr. Hooper walks in the church and many people begin to mutter about him about how awful he looked as he gives the sermon He is trying to get people to see all have secret sin in their lives, so Mr. Hooper wears the veil to let others know that he has sinned and he is not going to hide it, while everyone else walks around with sin in their hearts until it consumes them. Others made him feel bad, and tried to persuade him to remove the veil he refuse, it was a …show more content…
Many people try, and Judge the otter appearance of a person instead of really getting to know a person heart. As he walked through town children pick and people mistreated him but not ever really getting to know him, nor understand the point of the Black Veil that Mr. Hopper was trying to get everybody to see we all have a black Veil which is a moral lesson in life that we as humans make mistake but we shouldn’t hide sin because it causes a lot of pain and agony in our lives and it follows us every were we go if you do not repent. Repent is to express in wrong doing and to have remorse but many can’t do that because of pride, pride will get you no were in life there are two scripture in the bible that’s says in Proverbs 16:18 pride goes before destruction, and Proverb 18:12 before a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility

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