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Taming Of The Shrew Research Paper

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Alec O’Connor
Mrs. Fleck
AS English 10
3 May 2015
Feminism in Failure

It’s vital to the development of art to keep pushing boundaries.Conventional standards and expectations have been set aside, or reevaluated due to these works of literature. The system of society needs constant questioning in order to strengthen their values. In Taming of the Shrew Shakespeare uses dark satire to point out flaws in the system. Katarina’s suffering may not seem funny, but it certainly begged to be thought about. In Shakespearean times, women lacked a true voice; especially in the matter of marriage. Unions were forged based on dowries and social class rather than free will. Most marriages were not for love at all, but a political move. It has been done for ages, marrying off daughters to unite kingdoms and restore alliances. Petruchio, a parody of himself, left a lasting impression, “I have thrust myself into this maze, Haply to wive and thrive as best I may”. Petruchio doesn’t bother to hide his ambitions, he is ready to tell anyone and everyone what he thinks. His loud opinion does not comfort Katarina, she knows at once what he is trying to do and puts up a fight. In the beginning she is portrayed as callous, rude, and …show more content…
Antigone shows how one can be treated for something as simple as burning a body. His work seems to ask whether or not people remember that those who die disgraced have family too. The families of the dead suffer no matter the circumstances and Antigone begs for people to recognize them. In the end, Antigone decides she would rather die by her own hand than die like a criminal. Ismene cautiously declines to help Antigone bury their brother’s body, similar to Bianca’s fall from grace in the conclusion of Taming Of The Shrew, later offers to do the deed. The chaos Antigone causes is almost like poetic justice for her brother’s unfit

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