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Rafting Trip Research Paper

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Out of all the fun things that our family did from going on a trip to Disneyland with the Andersons to our traditional winter retreat to San Francisco. The most memorable event of 2016 was freezing our tails on the white waters of Glacier National Park. This year was exceptionally special because us, as a family, went on our second rafting trip. Our host was the Glacier National Park Rafting Company and our guides were Doc and John. The two of them took our family, as well as another older couple, on the exciting overnight rafting trip. On the last few days of our Glacier park reunion, The Thompsons decided to try out a new activity to raft down a river that borders the park. After two hot days of swimming in the pool of the best Koa, we arrived ready to be sent off on the river. From the office, everyone hopped on a bus and drove about thirty minutes up stream to be let off and sent away. During that time, the guides talked about the water levels and how the river will roar depending on the time of year. When the boats were hauled off of the buss and our luggage was packed tight into the supply raft, Doc floated away downstream to meet us at the camping spot. John got us prepared and ready with the tools that we will use for the day. Even though most of us already knew, John taught us how to row and when to row using the secret language of commands that he gave. Then we set off into the the water. The …show more content…
Everyone called it glamping, glamorous camping. The second we got on shore, we were greeted with Doc serving up appetizers for the group. Ben and I played in the water with John and played trust games to get each other into the water. After Benjamin and I felt, our toes and fingers becoming numb, so we all retreated back to shore to put on our evening dry clothes. Our tents and the stuff in our tents was already set up, all that we had to do was roll out our sleeping

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