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Sports Fans Research Paper

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A fan, or fanatic, is someone who is devoted to a team. Most people like sports and enjoy watching them on television. However, few of these fans tend to have strong pride in one team. The majority of sports fans jump from team to team or only care when their team is winning. There are three types of fans that every sports watcher fit into: the bandwagon fan, the part-time fan, and the die-hard fan. Bandwagon fans tend to cheer for whichever team is winning at the time. Many people began to cheer for the New England Patriots once Tom Brady led them to several super bowls. They saw hope in the new best quarterback. Many Major League Baseball fans began to cheer for the Chicago Cubs once they got to the World Series. Most Cubs fans had deserted the team until they started winning again. People began to cheer for the Golden State Warriors once they saw a hope for a championship win with Steph Curry. Once they did not win, the fans quit cheering for the Warriors. This type of fan jumps on the newest bandwagon team when they see the hope of a major win. …show more content…
However, they seem to only cheer for their team when they are winning. It seems like they are ashamed of their team if they are losing. The fans of the Houston Astros became strongly devoted to their team after this past season because they won the World Series. Once the Astros made the Series, the fans started seeing hope in their team. The United States soccer team fans seem to only cheer for the team when they are having a good season. Atlanta Falcons fans tend to only cheer for their team when they are playing well. This year the Falcons have had a tough season. When the Falcons are losing bad in a game, most of the fans leave the stadium instead of staying to watch. I believe the majority of sports fans fit into this category because they sometimes feel that their team cannot win a

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