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Target Retail Anlayisis


Submitted By aminhas1993
Words 4465
Pages 18
-- | Target Retail Analysis | | | | Arpit Minhas, Tim Gaugler, Christopher ScwartzRetailing –Marketing 327 Fall 2015 – Dr. Denise T. Ogden

| Target Retail Analysis | | | | Arpit Minhas, Tim Gaugler, Christopher ScwartzRetailing –Marketing 327 Fall 2015 – Dr. Denise T. Ogden

Target Corporation is one of the largest retailers and mass merchandiser in America. According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), Target falls in the top 10 companies out of the top 100 companies in America falling at number 6. Target offers everyday necessities, fashionable merchandise, home essentials and many more offering pricing at discounted levels. As one of the major retailers in America, target provides an opportunity for success by providing an exceptional guest experience, licensing departments and diversity in all parties involved. Targets purpose is to make everyday consumers make all target retail locations their number one preferred shopping destination in all channels by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation and exceptional experiences. In this analysis of Target Corporation we will discuss the areas of retailing activities. We will go in depth on how Target Corp. began into the one of the largest retailers in America by discussing a brief situational analysis providing information on Target’s sole mission to consumers, their distinctive retail strategy and to whom this successful strategy is targeting and as well their other monsoon competitors in the industry. We will provide information relating to terms and concepts learned throughout the semester. Once completing the situational analysis we will discuss Target’s tactics in customer service and pricing. We will then discuss multiple integrated marketing communications the company chooses to participate with and then going deep into an

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