...TASK ENVIRONMENT: It is a kind of external environment.It is closer to the organization and includes the sectors that conduct day-to-day transactions with the organization and directly influence its basic organization and performance. GENERAL AND TASK ENVIRONMENT: You can distinguish between the differences of the general environment and the task environment as although they have similar features in business they are not the same. This is because the general environment can affect anyone in an industry, whereas the task environment also includes sectors that the organization interacts directly to make a direct impact on the organization's capability to reach its goals through its operations and performance. This task environment normally includes the industry, competitors and the customers, while it sometimes includes techniques of production, suppliers, raw materials and market sectors. Some organizations will also have human resources and the international sector as part of this environment. It is where a company operates within the second sub environment that actually lies outside of the business. It is affected by the variables in the market environment and these affect the business, making it important for the management to react on opportunities and pressure in the market environment; whereas the general environment is the layer of the external environment that will only affect the organization indirectly. It is the one that is furthest away from the...
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...motivation a�ﵽects learning. Discover the behaviors and perspectives that relate to motivation in an educational environment. Motivation Erik and Andrew are in the same 戒묿rst grade class. Erik loves any activity that involves coloring, drawing or illustrating. He spends all of his free time engaged in these sorts of activities, sometimes oblivious to other things going on in the classroom. Andrew, on the other hand, dislikes drawing and art and will avoid it at all costs. Both students are high achievers and good listeners, but they are motivated by completely di�ﵽerent interests and activities. In the classroom, motivation drives many behaviors and it is important to understand the importance of motivation in an educational environment. Motivation is described as a state that energizes, directs and sustains behavior. Motivation involves goals and requires activity. Goals provide the impetus for and the direction of action, while action entails e�ﵽort: persistence in order to sustain an activity for a long period of time. There are recognized indices of motivation that are important to be aware of. Indices typically place a value or quantity on an idea; in this case, we can understand the value or quantity of motivation for an individual by these four indices. The selection of a task under free-choice conditions indicates motivation to perform the task. In our earlier example, Erik chose to engage in art activities during his free time. This is indicative of...
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...General Outline for Business Consulting Reports Management 451 Your group’s report will follow a similar format. Sample consulting reports from previous semesters are available in the library on course reserve. I. Cover Page Covers are usually printed on heavy, flexible pieces of paper called “coverstock.” The main reason that “coverstock” is used is so that it can protect the document. The cover should carry the title of the report along with some extra information that will help people who may want to file it for later use. For example, you might want to list the members of the team, show off the company logo, and list the date of the final submission of the report. For more on creating a good title, make sure to carefully review section 3 (Title Page) You can create your cover by preparing your material with a word-processing program. If your computer’s printer won’t print on “coverstock,” you can print it on regular paper, and then photocopy it on heavier paper (Paula Lewis in the EMA office can help you out with this). II. Disclaimer Page A disclaimer is a statement that the company or organization hopes will limit its liability for the product or service it provides (as your instructors, we certainly do not want to be held responsible for any bad advice or research you provide your clients ☺ ). The disclaimer statement is fairly typical in consulting projects, and if nothing else reflects the seriousness of writing at a professional level...
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... | Daytime | | Evening/Mobile | | Email address | | Company name | | Training date(s) | | Training location | | Trainer’s name | | Assessment due date | | Date submitted | | Submission Date | | Resubmit 1 | | Resubmit 2 | | Purpose of the assessment The purpose of this assessment task is to assess evidence for part of a unit/s of competency which in full will lead towards a nationally-accredited qualification I acknowledge the following (all boxes need to be ticked) ❏ The assessment process has been explained to me ❏ I am ready to commence the assessment process. I have been advised of the assessment requirements, my rights and responsibilities as an assessment candidate, and I choose to be assessed at this time ❏ I understand which unit/s to complete, evidence I need to provide, and how to complete this document ❏ I understand my right of appeal, and this has been fully explained to me ❏ I have discussed with my trainer any special needs that should be considered when undertaking this assessment task | Candidate declaration - By signing/dating below, I declare that 1. I have been advised of the assessment requirements for this unit of competency, have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities as...
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...office or dispatch office at some distance from the moderator’s home address and this can lead to delays in the moderation process. Candidates’ work should not be sent in bulky folders and it would be helpful if pages were numbered and all work was removed from plastic wallets. Candidate names and numbers must be recorded on the front of the Candidate Record Forms. Task Choices The most frequently attempted tasks were those based on Tourism (35% of work seen), Water on the Land (32%), the Coastal Zone (12%), Changing Urban Environments (7%) and the Living World (6%). Centres successfully contextualised the chosen task so that their candidates were able to produce valid investigations. There were some instances of centres attempting a task from the incorrect year of submission or deviating from the task, although not to a degree that invalidated the work produced. The Investigations Many investigations exceeded the guidance of 2000 words and some were far too long. This was particularly evident where very able candidates had access to ICT for the majority, or all, of the time allowed for the task. Centres are advised to ensure that all of their candidates keep to the guidance of 2000 words. Shorter and more succinct pieces of work tend to be more tightly focused, they are easier for centres to mark and they are more manageable from the candidates’ perspective. The more concise style has led, in some instances, to higher quality writing and more attention to detail...
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...I can definitely agree that I am very supportive of others. Whether it’d be other students or my co-workers, I do what I can to help them if they are behind or need help on homework. Sometimes this trait is detrimental, because I end up spending more time and energy helping others instead of taking care of myself. Having this trait of being supportive, I feel working in a hospital environment where being caring and supportive would fit best for me as far as this trait goes. I have worked in a hospital before and really enjoyed helping others. I don’t agree at all with the career planner suggesting that I am teamwork centered, because I honestly don’t like working in teams too much. I prefer being assigned a task, and being the sole person responsible for completing that task. The drawback to working in teams is that there is always someone who doesn’t carry their own weight, which makes completing a task much more difficult. I spent six years in the military, and during that time much of the tasks assigned to us where team oriented. I didn’t like working in teams, because when the task wasn’t finished on time, the punishments fell on the entire team. So as far as being a team player and finding employment that involves a lot of teamwork, I have absolutely zero interest in a job that requires too much teamwork. Acrait according to the work culture preference program is a demanding job. So once again I don’t agree with this program suggesting...
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...lead the team of the admin staff. It is important that they are able to delegate the tasks for each member of the team and that the level of work given is appropriate to the team member. The office administrator in the DanIndia Furniture Ltd will be involved with the smooth running of the office and ensure every department is working according to company practices. Information Management The administration is a corporate body specifically charged with making resources productive, reflects the essential spirit of the modern era, it is essential and this explains why once established grew so rapidly and so little opposition. The information administration seeks to achieve goals through people, using techniques within DanIndia. She is the key subsystem within an organizational system. Within the information administration is: • Performance of various interpersonal roles, information and decision. For decision-making process of information flow is essential. This process involves the knowledge of past, future estimates and regular feedback regarding the current activity. The task of management is to implement this information-decision system to coordinate efforts and maintain n dynamic equilibrium. • Coordination of human, material and financial resources for effective and efficient achievement of organizational objectives. • Value of the organization with its external environment and respond to the needs of society. Meetings Office administrators may also...
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... * Introduction: * Group work can seem like a daunting task, particularly in an asynchronous environment in which communication occurs primarily online or, at a distance. Even if you are enrolled in a course that meets weekly, conflicting schedules can make it difficult to arrange outside meetings with your group members. However, with proper planning and clear communications, teams can work effectively and efficiently with little or no face-to-face contact. Achieving good outcomes requires that individuals with different strengths, weaknesses, and perspectives come together to arrive at consensus. Several tools have been created to help your group get started, get organized, and stay on task. With these tools and tips, you will find that working as a team of educated professionals is not only more efficient but more rewarding as well. This professional collaboration is after all, the nature of nursing. Nurses work with others to help others. Working in teams produces the best outcome for patients and the nursing profession. The first step in working effectively as a team is to arrive at consensus. Before the real work begins, the entire group must agree on fundamental aspects of the work to be done. Together, the group must decide: What the outcome or final product should look like? What the objective is and what method should be used to achieve it? Who should be responsible for doing what tasks, given their experience and talents? What approach should be used...
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...Accepted Policy Conclusion 1. Current status of the No Late Work Accepted Policy in organizations No Late Work Accepted Policy ‘No Late Work Accepted Policy’ is a plan of action adopted by an institution or an individual in order to make firm the manner in which individuals manage their roles (Jha 22). The major aim of the policy is to ensure that individuals complete a task assigned within a given deadline. The policy has many merits. Primarily, it ensures that an individual keeps time. Thus, time management forms an essential ingredient of the No Late Work Accepted Policy and is particularly crucial in managing an individual’s career, and the improving an individual’s life (Jha 24). The No Late Work Accepted Policy seeks to ensure that individuals remain focused on an assigned role. The primary intention of the No Late Work Accepted Policy is to prohibit individuals from misusing the leniency previously accorded to submission of assigned tasks. Many people treat late tasks as an exceptional occurrence, as a result, many people have developed the habit of procrastination until the assigned task is overdue and the consequences may relate to penalties and minor sufferings (Tagg 8). The policy is beneficial as it exerts pressure on individual to adhere to the deadlines provided. On the other hand, the policy acts as an effective measure to prohibit lateness in submitting...
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...delivery. Governments in the vastness of their administration requirements are often unable to maintain either everyday or random tasks of service delivery. This could be due to various reasons, such as; lack of communication, misunderstanding the chain of command, individuals or groups being appointed to complete such tasks that have insufficient knowledge and/or authority required for the fulfilment of such tasks etc. etc. Such shortfalls on tasks as vitally important to a country as service delivery can cripple Government infrastructure and create political unrest amongst unsatisfied citizens. When we are referring to ramifications of this extent, it is imperative that governments / organisations implement safety measures that cover and maintain the correct execution of service delivery. Project management is a clear and concise method that can be implemented simply and cost effectively, and integrate simply into existing infrastructure. Basically what Project Management boils down to, is a simplified process of getting the right person, with the required authority and capability to manage a need, and ensure the fulfilment of said need. So instead of having various groups, reporting to various authorities, with regards to multiple tasks, you have one group of individuals, who have the relevant authority to delegate specific tasks. Service Delivery of Basic Education Curriculum Reform In a nutshell, service delivery of Curriculum Reform is referring...
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...Co-op Project Management Grid Objectives and Tasks: Objective 1: Arange a better scheduling method to help cashiers better accommodate customers more affectively by ……. Task: placing cashiers on registers that will not affect the traffic flow of the customers when their shift ends….2 hours Task: split the schedule in to two sides, since there’s always a busier side; the grocery side stays the busiest….3 hours Task: make sure to send cashiers to breaks and lunches on time effectively and to make both sides flow smoothly….3hours Task: make sure to view schedule at beginning of the shift to make sure areas have coverage at the end of shifts and enough to check-out customers…..3hours Total hours for objective one:11 hours Objective 2: develop a safety plan for cart pushers, and analyze a better method for scheduling duties, and using different techniques to make sure it’s a clean environment. Parking lot is clear of carts, and trash is picked up by……. Task: view the schedule ahead of time and schedule cart pushers to work on specific areas outside, and inside of the store…..2hours Task: once assigned a duty, report to ma or any other customer service manager when the task is completed, so that they can start on another task….2 hours Task: Assign three to four cart pushers a day rotating specific tasks and duties so that there is enough coverage during that day…..3 hours Task: Develop a plan to come up and assign recycling bins and putting trash in the trash cans, to...
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...functions are subdivided under individual managers or combined management in number of ways. An approved maintenance organization should posses some facility and personnel requirements in order to carry out base maintenance on an aircraft which are described as follows: FACILITY REQUIREMENTS: Specialized workshops: AMO should have all the facilities of spacious aircraft hangers and component workshops in order to carry out maintenance practices of aircraft in order to accommodate planned maintenance and avoid working area contamination. Proof of tenancy should be provided if hanger is not owned by the organization. Their floors should be sealed so that dust generation can be minimized. Working environment: An appropriate working environment should be given that allows maintenance tasks to be carried out at a comfortable temperature, good lighting conditions and a minimum level of noise. Storage: Considering manufacturer’s instructions; the storage facilities for components, tools etc should be clean, well ventilated and secure in order to minimize the effect of condensation. The unserviceable aeronautical products should be separated from serviceable equipments and tools and remain packed to avoid damage and prevent corrosion. Office accommodation: AMO should provide an office accommodation or area for certified employees and management of planned maintenance where they can discuss maintenance instructions and make maintenance records in proper manner which contributes to...
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...Perfect Phrases for the TOEFL Speaking and Writing Sections This page intentionally left blank Perfect Phrases for the TOEFL Speaking and Writing Sections Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases to Improve Your Conversational Ability, Develop Your Writing Skills, and Build Exam Confidence Roberta G. Steinberg New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New Delhi San Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Copyright © 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.Manufactured in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 0-07-159247-4 The material in this eBook also appears in the print version of this title: 0-07-159246-6. All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners. Rather than put a trademark symbol after every occurrence of a trademarked name, we use names in an editorial fashion only, and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. Where such designations appear in this book, they have been printed with initial caps. McGraw-Hill eBooks are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions, or for use in corporate training programs. For more information, please contact George Hoare, Special Sales, at...
Words: 27912 - Pages: 112
...|Activity 3_1 | |Time stealers |Yes/ No |Can be by |Method | | | |me—yes/ no| | |Interruptions – telephone |Yes |Yes |Plan all calls to be made and make multiple | | | | |calls together to reduce the interruptions. | | | | |Screen calls during the day, and call back on | | | | |agreed times. | |Interruptions – personal visitors |Yes |Yes |Allow visitors during scheduled hours. | | | | |Communicate this to known visitors. Set definite| | | | |times when I don’t want to be interrupted. | |Mail and email |yes |Yes |Set times...
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...appropriate for a more technology centric group to take charge of the project. Although room for growth and elaboration was limited in the past, the legacy HRIS system kept track of the following: personal information, pay rate, personal exemptions, hire date, seniority date, organizational information and vacation hours. Changes to any of the above employee categories are made by submitting physical, hand written form by the employee’s manager and subsequently entered by the payroll clerk. Full details of the current system can be found under the Human Resources intranet web page on Riordian Manufacturing’s website. During assignment #1, the primary objective was to analyze the above summarized service request into a basic outline with primary tasks. Although a template was provided as a starting point in the materials page of the...
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