...QLT 1: Task 5 A1. Ryan has started a new job in downtown Atlanta. He is looking at different options for parking his vehicle during the workweek. He has narrowed it down to two options, a parking garage offering a flat rate of $30 dollars a month and another garage slightly further away which charges 0.15¢ per hour. A2. Ryan just recently moved to Atlanta for this new job opportunity. Taking into consideration the financial impact the move has created such as purchasing a new place, new furniture, and all necessary necessities, it will be critical he find the cheapest option for parking. A3. The first cost option is parking garage A, which features a monthly unlimited parking pass for $30 dollars a month. The second option is parking garage B, which is slightly further away from his job but charges 0.15¢ a hour. B1. To determine the best cost effective parking option we will need to determine which offers the best rates. A standard 8 hour work day will be used to determine how many hours per day to charge. a = Number of days, x = Total price. Parking garage A - (a - a) + 30 = x Parking garage B - (0.15 x 8) a = x B2. Parking Garage A will be charged a flat rate regardless of how many days it is used. Thus having the days cancel out so the flat 30 dollars is consistent across the month is needed to compare the relationship of parking garage B. Parking Garage B since it is a hourly rate will need to take into account the standard work day...
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...different stakeholders who influence the purpose of two contrasting businesses Describe how two businesses are organised. Explain how their style of organisation helps them to fulfil their purposes. Describe the influence of two contrasting economic environments on business activities within a selected organisation. Compare the challenges to selected business activities within a selected organisation, in two different economic environments Describe how political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of the selected organisations and their stakeholders. Analyse how political, legal and social factors have impacted on the two contrasting organisations. Task1 Page 3t/m9 Task4 Page 10t/m11 Task5 Task6 Page 12t/m15 Page 16t/m22 M1 D1 P2 P3 P4 P5 M2 P6 M3 D2 Evaluate how future changes in economic political, legal and social factors, may impact on the strategy of a specified organisation. Learner...
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...NUST COLLEGE OF ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NUST COLLEGE OF ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING LAB REPORT 4 Submitted By: NS Fatima Hassan DE-34-CE-B-209 Submitted to: Sir Saqib Ejaz TASK1: Code: img=imread('fig01.jpg'); figure(1) imshow(img,[]); img=rgb2gray(img); rotatedim=imrotate(img,45,'bilinear'); threshold=graythresh(rotatedim); BW = im2bw(rotatedim,threshold); figure(2) imshow(BW,[]) Output: Figure [ 1 ]: Original gray scale image Figure [ 2 ]: Rotated image after thresholding TASK2: Code: img=imread('fig02.jpg'); figure(1) imshow(img,[]); img=rgb2gray(img) doubimg=im2double(img); %converting image to double figure(2) imshow(doubimg,[]); logtransform=log(doubimg); %log transform figure(3) imshow(logtransform,[]); Output: Figure 3: Original image Figure 4: Image after log transformation Figure 5: Image after Log Transform TASK3: Code: img=imread('fig03.jpg'); figure(1) imshow(img,[]); img=rgb2gray(img); doubimg=im2double(img); %power transformtaions powimg1=1*(doubimg.^5); figure(2) imshow(powimg1,[]); powimg2=1*(doubimg.^10); figure(3) imshow(powimg2,[]); powimg3=1*(doubimg.^2); figure(4) imshow(powimg3,[]); powimg4=1*(doubimg.^0.5); figure(5) imshow(powimg4,[]); powimg5=1*(doubimg.^0.1); figure(6) ...
Words: 479 - Pages: 2
...Task1 In your own words define the meaning of employee relation. In my own words employee relations is the way of communication being formed between the employer and employee to address, resolve or prevent conflict within the employment relationship. Task2 In your role as a manager, how can you encourage good employee relations between you and your employees? • All employees are treated fairly and diversity is valued and respected • Staff are encouraged to develop new skills. • Initiative and innovation is encouraged • Managers understand the need for employees to balance personal and business needs Task3 What effect might good employee relations have on; a) Your business? b) You? c) Your employees? Good employee relations can help organisations to react more quickly to competitive challenges and to achieve better performances from its employees.alternatively it can also be beneficial to have a good employee relations in order for the employees and employer to have a good way of communicating as this will be one of main things that will be needed in order to have a good employee relations, managers should always try and communicate with employees and listen to what ideas they might be offering in order to help the organisation grow. Task4 What skills do you possess that help you to promote good employee relations in your workplace role? Are there other skills that you could develop that would assist you further? How might you attain those required skills...
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...Task1 * The types of information they use with example. * They use different type of information: * Verbal information: This ministry has a specialist’s employee; they use them especially for students at primary school to spread awareness about preservation of the environment such as recycling of waste. This is the best beautiful of communication to the children as they use cartoon characters. * Written information: Such as brochures on environmental awareness and a forestation, newspapers and advertisement attached in the streets to publishing the environmental awareness in our society, for example, instruction for putting trash in places allocated to it, advice for recycling to preserve the environment, So everybody care on cleanliness of every where he / she go. * On-screen and Multimedia information: They have got an advertisement and programs like, ads to motivate citizens about the cleanliness of the country or programs specialty for kids to educate them about cleanliness. * Web-based information: They have got a web site on the internet to provide some information such as, there daily news and activities participated at schools, so people can take any information at any times from a web site of their Ministry of Municipality. * The sources from which they get information. * External: * Government sources: For example, the ministry of municipal provides training courses for staff about how to publish environmental culture...
Words: 1423 - Pages: 6
...Bahrain Trainning Institute ESH310 Understanding Health & Safety in The Workplace “ Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company “ Task1: Company background Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) is the only petrochemical producing company headquartered in the Kingdom of Bahrain and sells its products both locally and exports to other gulf countries and beyond, including U.S., China, India, Pakistan among others. There are several health and safety legislations and regulations GPIC should follow to ensure the safety and security of their employees, and these are some of the main regulations : * providing and maintaining safe plant and safe systems of work (such as controlling entry to high risk areas because the building consists of 2 floors, controlling work place and frequency and providing systems to prevent falls from heights) * maintaining the workplace in a safe condition (such as ensuring fire exits are not blocked, emergency equipment is serviceable, and the worksite is generally tidy) * providing workers and contractors with adequate facilities (such as clean toilets, cool and clean drinking water, and hygienic eating areas) * making sure workers have adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to work in a safe and healthy manner ( Giving them guidelines in how to act in case of emergencies ) * ensure that other people (such as your customers, visitors and the general public) are not endangered by the conduct of...
Words: 1931 - Pages: 8
...Task1 Projects4Technology’s transition as a virtual business company requires a great deal of understanding and in depth analysis. While I was going to complete my assignment I have gone through a complex research which has involved me to study more about the topic and also gave me a first-hand knowledge of how to plan for a company. I have gone through many articles and journals on the google, I have searched especially for the virtual company, what is the difference between the virtual organization and the traditional organization. I have drawn the comparison which can be cost effective. The articles helped me in understanding the exact scenario of the organizations. While researching I came across a case study which was on “Brand Velocity”. It enhanced my knowledge about the subject and helped me to write about the virtual and traditional companies. Task 4 was a very challenging task and I have to study different organizations and their infrastructure to complete it, then again I had to study both traditional and virtual models. I have taken into consideration the models which were already used by most of the virtual organization like eBay and amazon. I have thoroughly investigated these models and taken my notes from there. For the Task 5 as it was a presentation, I had to be sure the studies I am carrying out should be very comprehensive and should give me the arguments to prove my points; it should be so convincing that there would not have been any ambiguity left...
Words: 2579 - Pages: 11
...Queensland University of Technology JSB 179: Crimes of Violence Assessment One: Case Study Scenario 3: Adult accused of assault against another adult. Vera Marston n8828601 Lecturer: Jodi Death Declaration of Authorship: In submitting this work I declare that, unless otherwise acknowledged, this work is wholly my own. I understand that my work may be submitted to SafeAssign and consent to this taking place BRISBANE CORRECTIONAL CENTRE Station Road, Wacol QLD 4076 Phone: 07 3274 9444 Fax: 07 3274 9514 AUTHORITY TO ADMIT SENTENCED PERSON TO A CORRECTIVE SERVICES FACILITY Prisoner: Wade Belic Date of admission: 25th August 2014 Jurisdiction: Queensland, Australia Sentence: Mr Belic was charged with assault with occasioning bodily harm against another adult in a domestic relationship under section 339 (1) Criminal Code Act (QLD) 1899. The sentence being 2 years imprisonment, 1 year parole and compulsory program attendance. Compulsory Program/s: Getting SMART- Moderate intensity substance abuse program and Anger Management and Violence Prevention. Additional Comments: Surveillance request of the inmate for 1 week commencing immediately. Mr Belic has previous history of depression and suicidal tendencies. It is authorised that the above-named prisoner be admitted to Brisbane Correctional Centre on the 25th of August 2014. Signature (Chief Executive/Delegate): IanMiller Date: 12/08/2014 Offence and Sentencing: Mr Belic...
Words: 2650 - Pages: 11
...Task 1 : introduce your business a. Briefly describe the type of business size and number of employees . Bankstown Lidcombe Hospital is a principal referral group A1B hospital with tertiary affiliations to the University of NSW, University of Sydney and University of Western Sydney providing a wide range of general medical and surgical services and sub-specialty services to a local Bankstown/Canterbury community. It is part of South Western Sydney Local Health District.it has 454 beds and over 1400 emloyes between doctors , nurses , radiolgiest , administration , and other services . b. Laws are put into place to protect everyone - the customer, the employee and the company. You are not expected to be a lawyer, but being aware of the relevant legislations will help your organisation run more smoothly and avoid complications in the future, such as getting tied up in lengthy legal battles for unfair staff dismissal etc. Some of the common legislations applicable to traders include the Consumer Protection Act 1987 and the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. These regulations are put into place to protect the consumers' rights and ensure they receive good quality products or services at all times. Duty of care : The responsibility or the legal obligation of a person or organization to avoid acts or omissions (which can be reasonably foreseen) to be likely to cause harm to others. Accessible parking Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital has a number...
Words: 3774 - Pages: 16
...Visuals GRAPHS, ABOUT WRITING AN TABLES D DIAGRAMS Gabi Duigu @ Gabi Duigu 2001 All rights reserved Published by Academic English Press 9/13 Armstrong Street Cammeray NS\f 2062 Australia Ph:02 94376330 email:g.duigu@unsw.edu.au Distributedby: Melting Pot Press 10 GraftonStreet NS\( 2008 Chippendale Australia Ph: (5r) 29212 1882 F a x : 0 2 2 1 11 8 6 8 9 email:books@elt.com.au r s B N0 - 9 5 7 8 9 9 6 - 0 - 2 . : : l i : : : i ; ; : : . .: : l : : . .: : . : : : : : : l : :!':::::::::::::::::|' : :: ::::!' ::-::::::::::::::::: l:l:::l::::::l.l.l| : :ltl lf::::r:::a:a:t:t::.t: : || .:.......:.......:........... ... Part1 t. The Purpose GraphsandTables of .. .. .. .2 Part 2 2. \WritingaboutGraphsandThbles 2 . 1 \ W r i t i n g t hI e t r o d u c t i o n n 2.2 TimeExpressions 2.3 Expressions Measurement of ......9 ......10 .......13 . . . .15 Part3 3. \TritingtheReport 3.1 Contrast.... 3.2 Tiends 3.3 Correlations ......25 ...,.25 ......32 ......35 Part4 4. Using the Right sryle . 4.1 Modifiers 4.2 Using the CorrectSryleand Avoiding Errors . . . .39 ...39 . . .48 Part5 5. Diagrams 5.1 VocabularyandGrammar 5 . 2 U s i n g a g o o d s r y.l e AnswerK"y.. ...55 ......55 ......56 ...59 \With thanks to Maryanne Sheafor making the book possible,and for her enduring patience and encouragement. Many of the graphs and tables in this book are basedon visualsfrom various issuesof the UNESCO Courier, to which very worthwhile publication...
Words: 10001 - Pages: 41
...Visuals GRAPHS, ABOUT WRITING AN TABLES D DIAGRAMS Gabi Duigu @ Gabi Duigu 2001 All rights reserved Published by Academic English Press 9/13 Armstrong Street Cammeray NS\f 2062 Australia Ph:02 94376330 email:g.duigu@unsw.edu.au Distributedby: Melting Pot Press 10 GraftonStreet NS\( 2008 Chippendale Australia Ph: (5r) 29212 1882 F a x : 0 2 2 1 11 8 6 8 9 email:books@elt.com.au r s B N0 - 9 5 7 8 9 9 6 - 0 - 2 . : : l i : : : i ; ; : : . .: : l : : . .: : . : : : : : : l : :!':::::::::::::::::|' : :: ::::!' ::-::::::::::::::::: l:l:::l::::::l.l.l| : :ltl lf::::r:::a:a:t:t::.t: : || .:.......:.......:........... ... Part1 t. The Purpose GraphsandTables of .. .. .. .2 Part 2 2. \WritingaboutGraphsandThbles 2 . 1 \ W r i t i n g t hI e t r o d u c t i o n n 2.2 TimeExpressions 2.3 Expressions Measurement of ......9 ......10 .......13 . . . .15 Part3 3. \TritingtheReport 3.1 Contrast.... 3.2 Tiends 3.3 Correlations ......25 ...,.25 ......32 ......35 Part4 4. Using the Right sryle . 4.1 Modifiers 4.2 Using the CorrectSryleand Avoiding Errors . . . .39 ...39 . . .48 Part5 5. Diagrams 5.1 VocabularyandGrammar 5 . 2 U s i n g a g o o d s r y.l e AnswerK"y.. ...55 ......55 ......56 ...59 \With thanks to Maryanne Sheafor making the book possible,and for her enduring patience and encouragement. Many of the graphs and tables in this book are basedon visualsfrom various ...
Words: 9999 - Pages: 40