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Teacher's Role


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Health Education as a core course for Teachers' Education: to enhance the Mental Health of students
Posted: Sep 21, 2010 |Comments: 0 | Views: 454 |

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Health Education as a core course for Teachers' Education: to enhance the Mental Health of students
Akintunde, P. G. (Ph.D)
Department of Vocational & Special Education
University of Calabar
Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
Olanipekun, O. Fola
Olabisi Onabanjo University
Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria
This paper is primarily concerned with the role of teachers in enhancement of mental health of students. It discuses the factual picture of the functions of the teachers in a changing social and education environment, identifying the social community in the actualization of the human need (mental health) that are otherwise ignored. It highlights the complex expectation of the public from the role of teachers. The expectation makes the duties of teachers diffused; they in some measures serve as social workers and perform in addition to duties other than classroom teaching. Their responsibilities for social training in a changing environment, particularly in the misconception of mental health are discussed and recommendation made.
Key Words: Health education for teachers' education, educating teachers in mental health, health education a necessity for teachers.

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